
Using the micro:bit edge-connector with MakeCode Arcade

Using the micro:bit edge-connector with MakeCode Arcade

Full micro:bit edge connector support has now been added to the MakeCode Arcade editor. To highlight this, Jake from our Dev team has put together a code example to demonstrate the functionality of the micro:bit IO under Makecode Arcade. The demonstration involves a modification of the “jumpy platformer” example. Learn how...
Turn The :MOVE Motor Into A Radio Controlled Halloween SpookMobile

Turn The :MOVE Motor Into A Radio Controlled Halloween SpookMobile

This is a simple make that sits on top of your :MOVE Motor and adds some Halloween drama to your remote-controlled buggy. The LEDs are used to replicate the flickering of candles, and the V2 micro:bit’s speaker is used to make a ghostly noise. Follow Emma's instructions and make your own!