Coding tutorials

Learn how to code with Kitronik. The resources include; free resources for Kitronik designed and manufactured products/kits and a wide variety of coded projects for you to try. The resources cover every ability level and span a wide variety of topics, including the BBC micro:bit. Everything from beginners guides to ambitious maker projects with a coding element.

Whats in the coding tutorials?

Learn how to code with Kitronik. The resources include; free resources for Kitronik designed and manufactured products/kits and a wide variety of coded projects for you to try. The resources cover every ability level and span a wide variety of topics, including the BBC micro:bit. Everything from beginners guides to ambitious maker projects with a coding element.

Whats in the coding tutorials?

Kitronik On GitHub - A Beginners Guide main

Kitronik On GitHub - A Beginners Guide

Get to grips with GitHub, with this quick and simple beginner's guide. Learn how to make the most of the online repositories we set up for some of our in house products. Though primarily aimed at the Beginner, there is also information of value for the more experienced user. Find out more...
An Introduction To Microcontrollers - Ft. Raspberry Pi Pico and micro:bit

An Introduction To Microcontrollers - Ft. Raspberry Pi Pico and micro:bit

Microcontrollers; what are they, what do they do, and how do you use one? Using the Raspberry Pi Pico and BBC micro:bit for reference, we will answer all of these questions and more! Learn now!
What Is Lesson In A Box And Who Is It For

What Is Lesson In A Box And Who Is It For

Kitronik Lesson in a Box has been developed with teachers for teachers, to be an all in one, fully prepared, reusable, and affordable teaching solution that can be used straight out of the box. Find out more!
Arduino - a Review of the Open-source Embedded Platform

Arduino - a Review of the Open-source Embedded Platform

What is Arduino? What do you need to get started with Arduino? What are the features of Arduino's hardware and software? What are the benefits of being open-source?