BBC microbit Resources
Kitronik will be using the knowledge we've gained from having developed the kits & teaching materials to support the sales of over a million educational electronic project kits to deliver a range of resources for the BBC micro:bit project. These resources will cover using the BBC micro:bit expansion connector with additional components and also using conductive thread so that the BBC micro:bit can be included in a textiles project. These resources will give step by step instructions describing everything a student will need to do to make the project as well as the details of how to program the BBC micro:bit.The BBC micro:bit Our Role - Free e-textiles sample packs
During the first term of the new school year all D&T teachers will be sent a free e-textiles sample pack of parts, there will also be one BBC microbit for a D&T teacher. The sample pack will contain the components required to make two projects, and a small booklet providing a step by step tutorial on how to use the parts, so that teachers and pupils alike can hit the ground running.Events
We'll also be taking part in the D&T Associations Summer School in July to show the micro:bit off and give teachers an opportunity to play with one, and this autumn we'll be taking it to Derby Mini Maker Faire to let visitors have a closer look at what their children are working with in school.©Kitronik Ltd – You may print this page & link to it, but must not copy the page or part thereof without Kitronik's prior written consent.