Christmas Information: Kitronik will be closing 24th Dec December 2024, reopening on 2nd of January 2025. See our delivery schedule for more information.

BBC micro:bit our Role - Kitronik University featured image
microbit - Kitronik University This Kitronik University resource is part of the BBC micro:bit partnership and explains what our role with the BBC micro:bit is. Kitronik is one of many partners working with the BBC on the BBC micro:bit project. Collectively the project will give every year 7 student a BBC micro:bit, but just as important as the hardware it will offer project ideas, resources, tutorials to allow teachers to deliver exciting curriculum based activities using the BBC micro:bit. At Kitronik we will be focusing on using the BBC micro:bit within D&T, this gives us access to soldering irons, sewing machines, laser cutters and so on that won’t necessarily be available in ICT or computing. The BBC microbit has an expansion connector that allows students to do some really exciting things with their BBC micro:bit and our involvement in the project is all to do with using the expansion connector within D&T.

BBC microbit Resources

Kitronik will be using the knowledge we've gained from having developed the kits & teaching materials to support the sales of over a million educational electronic project kits to deliver a range of resources for the BBC micro:bit project. These resources will cover using the BBC micro:bit expansion connector with additional components and also using conductive thread so that the BBC micro:bit can be included in a textiles project. These resources will give step by step instructions describing everything a student will need to do to make the project as well as the details of how to program the BBC micro:bit.

The BBC micro:bit Our Role - Free e-textiles sample packs

During the first term of the new school year all D&T teachers will be sent a free e-textiles sample pack of parts, there will also be one BBC microbit for a D&T teacher. The sample pack will contain the components required to make two projects, and a small booklet providing a step by step tutorial on how to use the parts, so that teachers and pupils alike can hit the ground running.


We'll also be taking part in the D&T Associations Summer School in July to show the micro:bit off and give teachers an opportunity to play with one, and this autumn we'll be taking it to Derby Mini Maker Faire to let visitors have a closer look at what their children are working with in school.

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