How to Make a Practice Guitar Amplifier With a Volume Control
Making the practice guitar amplifier with a volume control is very similar to the fixed volume version, however instead of changing R2 a potentiometer is added to the input signal.

Parts list

Assembly instructions

  • Follow the build instructions to make the amplifier, however don’t fit R1 or the jack lead supplied with the kit
  • Connect the jack plug to the potentiometer and board as shown below:
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Mark Donnison

Mark Donnison

Hi David, there a number of possibilities. If you could email us at with some more information about both Guitars and how the Jack has been wired we should be able to help you get to the bottom of the problem.

David Blanchard

David Blanchard

I have made an amp using your mono amp kit Jack socket and pot as instructions. This works fine with a guitar with piezo pickup, but does not work with guitars with magnetic pickup. What is the reason for this and is there anything I can do to rectify the problem? Regards David

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