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IET Scout Memory Reaction & Time Game - Project 7

The IET has produced some resources for the Scout electronics badge. These are split into an activity pack containing sheets for Scouts and a leader pack with some additional guidance for leaders. Both packs are available for free download from the Scout website. One of the projects covered in this pack is the Memory Reaction & Time Game project. This is project 7, starting on page 30 of the Scout Leaders' pack. If you would like to find out more about these resources and activities, click here. 

To make ordering the items a bit easier, we have put them all on this page. Please note that some items are in different pack sizes so please be careful to order the right number of packs. You will need one kit and 2 x AA batteries parts to build one game:

Project shopping list

For this project you will need the following items, you can adjust the quantities (including setting them to zero if you don't need the item), before pressing the "Buy all items" button.

Box of 40 GP AA Batteries
Kitronik Game Project Kit

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