The Kitronik Air Quality Control HAT for Raspberry Pi offers the Pi user the perfect platform for monitoring their surroundings, be it the classroom, home, or work environment. It's absolutely packed full of sensors, features and external device connectivity. To help you get the most from the board, Kitronik has developed a number of free resources.
Below, we've highlighted each of the free resources available, detailed what they contain, and provided a direct link to each.
The Product Page
The product page offers the user/potential user a source of general information, list of features, and some basic usage information. Some of the information presented is unique to the product page, the amount varying from product to product, so it's often useful to have a good read of this page. At the very least, product pages reinforce information from datasheets and other included documentation. We also produce video content for each of our products that highlight features and other key information, these videos can found on the product page and on our YouTube channel.
In this case, the product page has a lengthy description of the board and its many features, it also goes as far as to note some basic usage information. This product page has the most extensive broad overview of the boards features available across all of the written material, so it is definitely beneficial to be up to speed with the contents. The buttons below lead directly to the product page and product video respectively.
The Datasheet
The datasheet for the Kitronik Air Quality Control HAT for Raspberry Pi is a four page document designed to be the source for all key product information. On page one is an overview of the board that includes images detailing features and usage. Page two shows all electrical information. Page 3 contains information on the python module, example code, and details for setting up the pi to work with the board. Page 4 displays the boards mechanical dimensions, to allow for detailed enclosure designs, with or without a board on hand.
If you experience any difficulties with a Kitronik product, the included documentation often holds the answers and for products that include a datasheet, following the contained instructions on setup and usage will usually solve these issues. The button below will take you directly to the datasheet, it will open in your browser and can be downloaded from there.
The Quick Start Guide
Kitronik has produced a quick start guide to help the new user get up and running as quickly as possible. It includes a short introduction to the board and then detailed information on hardware and Software setup. Learn how to connect the HAT to a Raspberry Pi, prepare the Pi for serial data transfer, install the python module with a single command, and then how to write code for each of the features.
The quick start guide pulls in information from a number of different sources and presents it in a away that can be worked through in order to get you setup and working quickly. Everything you need to know is included, so you don't have to hop between information sources. You can go straight to the online guide via the button below;
Making An Outdoor Enclosure
The Dev' team produced this excellent resource, that details how to make a custom outdoor enclosure. The guide covers a lot of ground, from design and building, all the way through to coding and monitoring. Some of the resources for this guide are housed in our GitHub repo (see the next section for more details), there are links in place in the guide to take you to where the supplementary resources and information is.
This is not only a great practical resource for anyone, it also translates to the classroom well. It could be used in Design & Technology as a design challenge, Computer Science as a coding challenge, and even in Science as an environmental monitoring challenge. Perhaps school departments could work together so that students can face all three challenges. The guide is an online blog post than can be accessed via the button below;
The GitHub Repo
In this repo is the library for the Kitronik Air Quality Control HAT and the example code to test and use the HAT. It includes detailed information on all the features of the board, with code examples that show exactly how to use them in your monitoring setups. Each piece of code is also fully explained to ensure that the user has everything they need to get their set up fully functioning. The example code folder has separate code examples that can be copied and pasted, and then tweaked to fit your circumstances.
You can visit our repository via the button below;
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