The Kitronik ZIP Halo HD for micro:bit provides the perfect platform for learning about creating time-based projects that also feature light and sound. The Alarm clock kit has been developed to further leverage these qualities. Build the easy to assemble stand, pop in the microbit, then add some code, and away you go.
Getting Started:
The Kitronik Alarm Clock Kit ships with an instruction booklet that has been designed to get you up and running quickly. The booklet covers the kits features, assembly and also serves as an introduction to writing code for it.

Kitronik has also created custom MakeCode blocks, specifically for ZIP Halo HD. This not only makes the job of coding as simple as possible, but it also opens up activities to younger children. The booklet contains all the information the novice will need to get going straight away.
Instructions on how to add the custom blocks are contained in the booklet that the Alarm Clock Kit ships with, they are also included in all four of the additional tutorials below.
Additional Online Resources For The Alarm Kit:
- Basic Clock Tutorial.
- Adjustable Clock Tutorial.
- Alarm Clock Tutorial.
- Wake Up Alarm Clock Tutorial.
The features of ZIP Halo HD are such that you will never run out of potential projects. With that in mind, Kitronik has produced a series of online resources designed to continue your forward momentum once you complete the booklet.
We have also fully embraced new features of the Microsoft MakeCode that allow us to create online tutorials directly inside the MakeCode environment. These features will mean that you won't need a second monitor or a PDF on the desk to learn.
Instead, you put the code together as the tutorial progresses. Completing the tutorial results in the completed code that can then be downloaded and transferred to the micro:bit.
Basic Clock Tutorial For Alarm Clock Kit
The ZIP Halo for micro:bit has its own on-board real-time clock (RTC chip). This opens it up to all manner of time-based projects and the 60 ZIP LEDs provides a great platform for displaying the results.
This tutorial walks you through how to use the Halo HD’s Real-Time Clock feature to make a fully functioning clock.
Adjustable Clock Tutorial For Alarm Clock Kit:
Learn how to make a clock interface to change and set the time with the Halo HD. If you have not done the ‘Basic Clock Tutorial’, it is recommended that you complete it first. The previous code is recycled as the starting point for this project. It's quite a bit more involved than the previous tutorial but the clear and detailed instructions will gently walk you through it.
Alarm Clock Tutorial For Alarm Clock Kit
Learn how to set alarms and trigger events with the Halo HD. If you have not done the ‘Halo HD Basic Clock’ and ‘Halo HD Adjustable Clock’ tutorials, it is recommended that you complete them first. The ongoing theme of these tutorials is to build on what was previously done.
This is the first of the tutorials that also includes sound. So, be sure to not attempt this project close to someone attempting a Netflix binge!
Wake Up Alarm Clock Tutorial For Alarm Clock Kit
Learn how to create a bedside clock which gently fills the room with light as wake up time approaches. If you have not done the ‘Halo HD Basic Clock’, ‘Halo HD Adjustable Clock’ & ‘Halo HD Alarm Clock’ tutorials, it is recommended that you complete them first.
If being woken up suddenly isn't your jam, then this tutorial is for you.
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