Hi again, we’re back with another project! This one is inspired by the beginning of Spring 2021, and features a couple of more advanced techniques. We've got all of the usual links to the materials we used and a free DXF download. Key to the whole build is the transparent polypropylene, it's a amazing what applying some heat to this material can do!
Safety Warnings:
- Glue (My fingers are still stuck together).
- Heat Gun (Ow).
- 5V Round Lamp Kit.
- Power Source, see product page for details.
- Pink Transparent Polypropylene.
- Green Transparent Polypropylene.
- Black 3mm Perspex.
- Clear 3mm Perspex.
- 3mm Diameter Self-Tapping Screws.
- Glue.
- Heat Gun.
- Our DXF files.
Step 1: Soldering your Lamp kit

We used one of our Round 5V LED Matrix Lamp Kits, you can find the build instructions here.
Step 2: Take it to the Laser!

Cut out this DXF on your laser cutter, in the materials outlined above in the diagram:
Step 3: Rose assembly start by forming the Rose.

The polypropylene will melt easily under a heat source, but be gentle! Curl the ends of the petals delicately and roll up the bottom of the petals to vary the heights of the petals. Generally, with a rose, there will be a tight formation of petals in the centre resembling the flower bud, and the rest of the petals will gradually spread further and further from the centre of the flower.
Glue these petals onto the clear acrylic disc and leave to dry as you complete the rest of the project.
Step 4: Base assembly

1) Now bend the side of the lamp to fit the base. The long strip that resembles latticework is actually a living hinge, so bending should be made easier. Since we used 3mm acrylic, we heated the side around a former of 15mm diameter, which is also the diameter of the base of the lamp also.
2) While the side is cooling, stack the two small discs, gluing them together in the orientation shown, lining up the holes. Then glue the discs into the centre of the large base disc as shown to make the mounting plate.
Step 5: The sides and the Lamp kit.

1) This is when you will want to attach the lamp to the mounting plate. Line the holes up with those on the mounting plate, making sure to feed the wires through the notch in the plate, and use 3mm self-tapping screws to secure it down.

2) The green polypropylene will act as a filter for the light, making the light that escapes the lattice in the side of the lamp look like leaves. Secure it to itself in a circle, then cut a notch in the bottom for the wire to feed through. Glue this down to the base. 3) Now, glue the side down to the base, making sure the wire is fed through a gap in the lattice.
Step 6: The top.

Now that the rose is dry, take the clear disc it sits on and glue around the edge. Then take the hollow black disc and fit the clear disc inside it, securing them together. Then once this is dry, glue around the top of the side and place the top on, enclosing the lamp completely.

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