The BBC micro:bit project is all about inspiring a new generation to get creative with digital technologies and code. At Kitronik we are focusing on facilitating both the Educational and the practical uses of the BBC micro:bit. The portable nature of the BBC micro:bit demands that its power source be just as portable. We feel that a power source that fits directly and snugly to the BBC micro:bit is key to many practical applications, such as wearable technology and e-textiles. The MI:power board was designed with usability and flexibility in mind.
The board features an easy to access on/off switch, which makes it easy to turn a project on and off, rather than have to disconnect the power supply from the BBC micro:bit.
When assembled, the MI:power board is connected directly to the 3V, GND and P0 connections on the BBC micro:bit. The 3V and GND connections provide power to the BBC micro:bit and the built in buzzer is connected to P0, which is the default output pin when using the audio functions in the Block Editor software. The MI:power board's mechanical fixings prevent the battery from being removed unless you use a screwdriver, so whatever the use, the battery will remain safely in place. For more detailed information, see the Video at the bottom of this resource.
Project Ideas For The MI:power Add On For The BBC micro:bit:
To highlight the range of possibilities that using the MI:power board to power your BBC micro:bit opens up, we've created some free laser cutter files that you can download and use with your own laser cutter. All of the designs fit directly to the MI:power board and increase both the portability and the potential uses for your BBC micro:bit. Ours were all cut from a perspex sheet as perspex is quite tough and available in any colour you might wish to use., but you could use other materials. Watch Mount Project Design: This design is great for projects that involve playing games, such as games that require a dice or for rock paper scissors. If you code your BBC micro:bit to be a compass or pedometer, this design offers a fully hands free portable solution. Watch straps can be sourced inexpensively from a number of sources, such as Amazon, and the watch mount allows you to easily thread the strap through it. The one featured in the above photograph is a hook and loop fastener strap that we sourced from Amazon, hook and loop fastener is a great option for ease of use. Plant Spike Project Design: For the green fingered, the plant spike makes it possible to build BBC micro:bit controlled circuits, such as moisture level or light level detection circuits and have your BBC micro:bit mounted close by. Just attach this to your MI:power board and push the spike into the soil and you're good to go. This would work well in a plant pot or green house situation, don't forgot to move it out of the way for watering! Lanyard Project Design: If you are attending or organising an event you can attach your BBC micro:bit to your lanyard assembly and have your name scrolling across as part of a greeting. We think it's much more interesting than a simple name badge. The design has holes at the top so that your lanyard can easily be threaded through. Character Project Design: If your BBC micro:bit rarely leaves your desk, the character project gives you a fun way of mounting your BBC micro:bit and MI:power board. This design is perfect for both the workplace and the classroom. This design also features two feet, these not only allow the character to be free standing but also make it easy to move it around your workspace as required. Belt Mount Project Design: A good alternative for those of you that want the same level of portability that a watch strap would provide but who already have a watch. This is a solid solution for something such as a pedometer, or anything that doesn't require much visual feedback from the BBC micro:bit. As with the watch, the design features holes that allow you to thread your belt through it. The download links for all of the above designs can be found at the foot of this resource.