Electronic tutorials

Learn how to design and make a variety of useful electronic circuits. The tutorials cover a range of ability levels and there is also a wide scope of projects to learn from. Up your electronics game today!

Whats in the electronics projects tutorials?

Learn how to design and make a variety of useful electronic circuits. The tutorials cover a range of ability levels and there is also a wide scope of projects to learn from. Up your electronics game today!

Whats in the electronics projects tutorials?

Making a Cardboard Pico Drawing Robot Arm hero image

Making a Cardboard Pico Drawing Robot Arm

In this first blog of a series we are going to cover how we can create a drawing robot arm out of cardboard using three servos, a Raspberry Pi Pico and the Kitronik Simply Servos for Pico board. Then we’ll move onto how to use the DrawingRobot Python library we created for the Pico. Find out more...
Blog posts Making an Advanced Pico Drawing Robot Arm mountains

Making an Advanced Pico Drawing Robot Arm

In this blog we are going to cover how to improve on our Cardboard Pico Drawing Robot Arm. This will be done in three stages. In the first section we will upgrade the servos we use to construct the robot arm, as well as make our arm sturdier using pencils. In the second section we will learn how to draw images.
Pico Drawing Robot Arm Code Explanation

Pico Drawing Robot Arm Code Explanation

The biggest challenge behind making the Cardboard and Advanced drawing robot arms was figuring out how to move the arm to a specific position. This is needed so that we can use the line coordinates from our vectorised images to move the robot arm and draw the image. Find out more...