This year the D&T Summer School is coming to Loughborough University on the 9th and 10th of July. There will be a wide range of workshops covering both generic D&T issues and different D&T areas of specialism on offer and all importantly, lots of opportunities to network informally and ask experts for specific advice.

You'll build your practical expertise and subject knowledge in order to teach challenging aspects of the new curriculum with confidence and, if you are the D&T subject leader, enable you to provide support for colleagues back at school.
The Keynote speaker on the 9th is Diana Choulerton, HMI, National Lead for Design and Technology, Ofsted whilst on the 10th we have Richard Green (DATA Chief Executive), Andy Mitchell (DATA Assistant Chief Executive) and Gareth Pimley (Primary Consultant).
Just a few of the workshops on offer include Paul Boyd's "Getting to grips with 3D CAD and 3D printing Using Tablets" and "Introduction to Electronic Textiles" with Alison Hardy and Sarah Davies from Nottingham Trent University.
Demonstrating The BBC microbit:
And to top it all off
we'll be demonstrating the BBC microbit!, In the new term your colleagues in ICT will be sent a free MicroBit for every year 7 student at your school which is theirs to keep. They will of course be using their MicroBit in ICT lessons to learn about coding, but they can also be used during D&T lessons. At the summer school you will be able to see how electronics and e-textiles can be used with the
microbit in a D&T lesson. There will be the opportunity for you to see the microbit in action and to have a go at programming it.

The D&T Association's Summer School events are always a great experience, and there are still spaces available so if you'd like to get involved book now at the
D&T Association website. We hope to see you there!
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Rob Haywood
Hi Ali, Sorry, that was a mistype from the primary day. I can confirm that these days are aimed at secondary teachers. Rob
Please could you confirm whether these workshops are aimed at primary or secondary teachers? The first section appears to be aimed at KS1 and KS2, but then surely the Micro Bit demo would be more suitable for secondary teachers since it is year 7 that will be receiving them?