Building the MeArm Robotic Arm for Arduino, Pi & microbit:
The MeArm Robot Arm has been designed from the ground up to be easy to assemble. Children can build it themselves and we suspect adults may be able to build it unaided too. The only tool you'll need to build it is a hex key, and one is included in the box! You'll notice that Ben occasionally cheats with power tools, but this was just to make the video a little shorter.Video Walkthrough:
Finally, if you are unsure which MeArm version is the right fit, you can check out the entire range here.©Kitronik Ltd – You may print this page & link to it, but must not copy the page or part thereof without Kitronik's prior written consent.
Mark Donnison
Hi Peter, sorry to hear that you are having issues. Please get in touch with our support team who will be more than happy to help. Please note that we are running on a skeleton crew, so there may be a slight delay in getting a response: support@kitronik.co.uk
Peter Norbury
Hello, I just received my MeArm Pi, but these instructions do not suit the version that I have bought. I have plugged in the servos to calibrate them, but on powering up the HAT board I get no movement in the servos. The LED does not light up and have tried three different power sources to no avail. Does this HAT board have to be mated with my Raspberry Pi first and if so, what are the instructions to get this working? Thanks Peter