What is an LDR (Light Dependent Resistor)?
An LDR is a component that has a (variable) resistance that changes with the light intensity that falls upon it. This allows them to be used in light sensing circuits.
A typical LDR

Variation in resistance with changing light intensity

The most common type of LDR has a resistance that falls with an increase in the light intensity falling upon the device (as shown in the image above). The resistance of an LDR may typically have the following resistances:
Applications of LDRs
There are many applications for Light Dependent Resistors. These include:Lighting switch
The most obvious application for an LDR is to automatically turn on a light at a certain light level. An example of this could be a street light or a garden light.Camera shutter control
LDRs can be used to control the shutter speed on a camera. The LDR would be used to measure the light intensity which then adjusts the camera shutter speed to the appropriate level.
Example - LDR controlled Transistor circuit

The circuit shown above shows a simple way of constructing a circuit that turns on when it goes dark. In this circuit the LDR and the other Resistor form a simple 'Potential Divider' circuit, where the centre point of the Potential Divider is fed to the Base of the NPN Transistor. When the light level decreases, the resistance of the LDR increases. As this resistance increases in relation to the other Resistor, which has a fixed resistance, it causes the voltage dropped across the LDR to also increase. When this voltage is large enough (0.7V for a typical NPN Transistor), it will cause the Transistor to turn on. The value of the fixed resistor will depend on the LDR used, the transistor used and the supply voltage.
In more recent years phototransistors have become more and more popular as unlike LDRs they don't use any nasty materials in the production process. They do exactly the same job as an LDR in that they detect changing light levels however they do electronically work slightly differently.
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second paragraph says “When the light level falls, the resistance of the LDR increase” ????????/
Mark Donnison
Hi, Sorry you are having difficulties with the kit. It is most likely that there is a problem with how the circuit has been put together. Please double check that all components are in place and the right way around where applicable and that each solder joint is good. If you have done that and are still experiencing difficulties then please contact support who should be able to help you get to the bottom of the problem. Please include photos of both sides of your board that clearly show the whole side: support@kitronik.co.uk
nwajagu chukwuebuka valentine
please also encountering the same problem with my ldr still functioning the same both in light and darkness check severally but to no avail
dennis ndungu
thanks for the online learning …
Mark Donnison
Hi, I would guess that there is a problem with the circuit. Either an issue with the soldering, possibly a short somewhere, or that a component may be incorrectly placed. Check your circuit carefully against the diagram and check each of your solder joints.
Imad Uddin Muhammad
Why my LDR is not working properly in both conditions that is in darkness and brightness? The LED lights remain turned on.
Mark Donnison
Hi Rale, Our LDRs detect light intensity and changes thereof. Also, the ones we stock are fairly generic which means they are not very precise.
Can LDR be used to detect different colors of light?
Mark Donnison
Hi, at a guess I would say any but without knowing more about your circuit and what you are trying to achieve it is difficult to give you an answer.
Hi. Which LDR is suitable for light sensor circuit ? pls answer my question…
Mark Donnison
Hi Chris, An LDR's sensitivity will vary across the spectrum and is largely determined by the materials used to make it. They react to certain light sources better than others and although LEDs will work you may find that some colours perform better than others. Hook your LDR up to a meter and run a couple of tests and you will know instantly if the LED you are using is suitable or not.
Mark Donnison
Hi, They tend to not wear out or fail in applications that we have experience of so we would expect them to last 15 years +. How many years the plus equates to we couldn't say but it is probably not a component you have come up with a replacement plan for.
Hey, can an LDR be activated by artificial light sources? Like an LED? -or is it specific to UV light?
Hi, Can someone help us to understand the lifetime of LDR?
Mark Donnison
Hi, In the diagram on the resource, the LDR will switch on the Transistor when the light level decreases. To make the opposite happen just swap the positions of the resistor and the LDR so that the LDR is at the top of the circuit and the resistor is at the bottom. I hope this helps.
I need to configure an ldr to activate the circuit when the light intensity decreases I.e to work at night…… PLS HELP!!!!
Mark Donnison
Hi, these LDRs react to the intensity of the light shining on them and not the wavelength of the light.
from different resistance can we find color spectrum? if any please share…
Mark Donnison
Hi, no it doesn't it is just sensitive to light and changes resistance in line with how much light there is.
Shridhar Shirodkar
Does an LDR store energy like a solar panel so dat it could be utilized later?
Mark Donnison
Hi Kathryn, without knowing more about your circuit and the power requirements of your seven segment display it's not possible for us to advise you properly. If you were to email sales@kitronik.co.uk directly with a little more information we should be able to give you some assistance.
So hope you can help. I want to use an ldr to light up a 7seg display when it is covered. What type of transistor do I need and does it just go in to the circuit after the ldr. I know this is probably super basic but just getting in to electronics!!
Rob Haywood
Hi Jude, Any application where something needs to be switched on at a certain light level, a garden light coming on at dusk is a good example. Rob
Where would an ldr be useful.
Mark Donnison
Hi Jomar, I'm not sure what you mean by count. The LDR reacts to the level of light that it is exposed to and it's resistance changes accordingly, you could monitor this using something like a microcontroller (BBC microbit, Arduino etc.) and deduce certain things, such as how many times it was completely dark or how many times it went from dark to light etc.
Can i use the LDR to count the light that passes by on it?
Mark Donnison
Hi, 1. I'm not sure what you are asking. 2. You can get the effect you want by changing where the LDR is in the circuit. In the diagram on the resource, the LDR will switch on the Transistor when the light level decreases. To make the opposite happen just swap the positions of the resistor and the LDR so that the LDR is at the top of the circuit and the resistor is at the bottom. I hope this helps.
Mark Donnison
Hi, we would need more information on a specific application to be able ti give any advice.
1.can the LDR works at 36 dc 2.can it works opposite ex.sensoring the dark
Is there any alternative device instead of using Ldr? forgetting cost and disadvantage parts of other devices
Mark Donnison
Hi, Yes you can use an LDR for this.
Rob Haywood
Hi, We use a normal resistor and a transistor along with an LDR (See LDR controlled transistor circuit above). Rob
hi am still not clear on how LDR can be use as a switch in turning light on in the dark knowing full well that the resistace during dark period is high base on low light intensity but if is at the day time is very clear that as the light intensity increases the resistance drop and at a certain light intensity current flows and switching can now be archieved that is in the day time. so how can that be archieve in the night? so am confuse. need some clerification thanks
Rob Haywood
Hi, We use a normal resistor and a transistor along with an LDR (See LDR controlled transistor circuit above). Rob
Rob Haywood
Hi, You're right in that resistance decreases in bright light, but this means when there is high light intensity less current flows. We add the use of a transistor as in the final example to achieve turning a light on even though less current flows. Rob
So, how are they used in night lights exactly if the current flow increases with high light intensity? :)
Alexander Mackingtosh
Hi! Sorry, was just wondering if you could clear something up for me: If he resistance of a regular LDR (for example used in night lights) decreases in bright light, this allows more current to flow – so does this not mean that when their is a high light intensity more current flows and the light can be turned on? Sorry, a little confused. Thank you in advance!
Rob Haywood
Hi Rupali, We'd really need a little more information about the circuit you plan to use. If you have a circuit in mind drop our support department an email (support@kitronik.co.uk) and they will be glad to assist. Rob
which LDR is suitable for automatic intensity control circuit????
Rob Haywood
Hi Fred, That is correct, the relationship between light levels and resistance is inversely proportional. Rob
second paragraph says “When the light level falls, the resistance of the LDR increase” ????????/
Bob June
Thanks, im doing a research project on Light Dependant Resistors aswell….very detailed. Helped a lot. :)
Rob Haywood
Hi Shuggs, For a lamp which uses an LDR we have a night light kit, kitronik.co.uk/2120 which turns a light on when it gets dark. It is an Easy Build Kit which means anyone who can solder can build it, and it is very popular within school.
My niece is planning to make a lampshade as her school project. And I found this, so is it possible to used LDR? Is this applicable? Can you send me a simple circuit & components to be use to come out with this project? Hoe long will it last? Just curious if so I'll be the one making it for her. Thank you! _
Rob Haywood
Hi Priyanka, We really need a little more information in order to help you. What exactly does the project require and involve so far? Rob
priyanka singh
i am doing a projct on home automation using LDR..So can u plz suggest me which LDR is suitable for dis and its cost??
Rob Haywood
Any LDR may be suitable, it depends on the rest of the circuit.
Thanks for the lesson, I'm fabricating a project using LDR as an automatic switch.
thanks a lot guys…..I am doing a little project on ldr…..thanks a lot for the info… It was specific and clear