Kitronik Inventors Kit for Arduino - Exp 10 Using An RGB LED
Experiment 10 from the Inventors Kit for Arduino. In which we explore using an RGB LED. Included in this resource are code downloads, a description of the experiment, and also a video walkthrough.
Kitronik Inventors Kit for Arduino Exp 9 Capacitor Charge Circuit
Experiment 9 from the Inventors Kit for Arduino. In which we explore a capacitor charge circuit. Included in this resource are code downloads, a description of the experiment, and also a video walkthrough.
Kitronik Inventors Kit for Arduino Exp 8 Exploring Wind Power
Experiment 8 from the Inventors Kit for Arduino. In which we explore wind power. Included in this resource are code downloads, a description of the experiment, and also a video walkthrough. It provides additional help and is not meant to replace the documentation that ships with the kit.
Kitronik Inventors Kit for Arduino Exp 7 A Seven Segment Display
Experiment 7 from the Inventors Kit for Arduino. In which we explore using a seven segment display. Included in this resource are code downloads, a description of the experiment, and also a video walkthrough. It provides additional help and is not meant to replace the documentation that ships with the kit.
Kitronik Inventors Kit for Arduino Exp 6 - Setting The Tone With A Piezo Buzzer
Experiment 6 from the Inventors Kit for Arduino. In which we explore setting the tone with a piezo buzzer. Included in this resource are code downloads, a description of the experiment, and also a video walkthrough. It provides additional help and is not meant to replace the documentation that ships with the kit.
Kitronik Inventors Kit for Ardiuno - Exp 5 Control A Servo With A Potentiometer
Experiment 5 from the Inventors Kit for Arduino. In which we explore controlling the angle of a servo with a potentiometer. Included in this resource are code downloads, a description of the experiment, and also a video walkthrough. It provides additional help and is not meant to replace the documentation that ships with the kit.
Kitronik Inventors Kit for Arduino - Exp 4 Using A Transistor To Drive A Motor
Experiment 4 from the Inventors Kit for Arduino. In which we explore using a transistor to drive a motor. Included in this resource are code downloads, a description of the experiment, and also a video walkthrough. It provides additional help and is not meant to replace the documentation that ships with the kit.
Kitronik Inventors Kit for Arduino - Exp 3 Dim An LED Using A Potentiometer
Experiment 3 from the Inventors Kit for Arduino. In which we explore dimming an LED using a potentiometer. Included in this resource are code downloads, a description of the experiment, and also a video walkthrough. It provides additional help and is not meant to replace the documentation that ships with the kit.
Kitronik Inventors Kit for Arduino - Exp 2 Light Sensor & Analog Inputs
Experiment 2 from the Inventors Kit for Arduino. In which we explore Using a light sensor and analog inputs. Included in this resource are code downloads, a description of the experiment, and also a video walkthrough. It provides additional help and is not meant to replace the documentation that ships with the kit.
Inventors Kit for Arduino - Exp 1 Digital Inputs & Outputs
Experiment 1 from the Inventors Kit for Arduino, in which we explore Digital Inputs & Outputs. Included in this resource are code downloads, a description of the experiment and also a video walkthrough. This resource provides additional help and is not meant to replace the documentation that ships with the kit.
Extra Resources For The Kitronik Inventors Kit For Arduino
The inventors kit for Arduino follows in the footsteps of our hugely popular inventors kit for the BBC micro:bit. The Inventor's Kit for Arduino is a great way to get started with programming and hardware interaction for Arduino. This Kit contains everything you need to complete the 10 experiments. These additional resources have been produced to compliment the booklet that is supplied with the kit.
Arduino - a Review of the Open-source Embedded Platform
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