Kitronik Attending The BETT Show 24-27 Jan 2018:
We're always excited to be attending Bett, but we are especially excited this year. We've been working on a ton of new things and we're bringing it all with us. It's not just a bunch of things to look at either, we're talking hands on! There are buttons to press, games to play, and there will also be top secret tech that will be getting its first public showing at Bett! If that weren't enough, the stand will have a full complement of tech experts on hand who can't wait to have a chat! As they are the ones that have designed and built all of the cool stuff that we'll be bringing they are the best people to talk with regard to how it can all translate to the classroom. If you are at all unsure of how the BBC microbit can help you get the best from your students, we'll provide a lot of ideas. To find out more, visit the Bett show website.©Kitronik Ltd – You may print this page & link to it, but must not copy the page or part thereof without Kitronik's prior written consent.