After many months of hard work by all of the BBC microbit
partners, today it was finally time to launch the device and what better venue to do this at, than the London stock exchange.

The day started with a giant BBC
microbit being used to open the days trading, which was followed by a couple of speeches including one from Tony Hall the director general of the BBC.

For the product partners that have been busy working on the design of the BBC microbit today was a chance to celebrate the completion of the hardware. For product champions like Kitronik today is the start of a long journey of helping teachers and students learn to code and to control some real world devices with the BBC microbit, and as such marks the start of the hard work.

Kitronik director Geoff Hampson who was at the launch event reflected on what a momentous day it was: "It was great to see all the partners that have worked so hard on the project come together and celebrate this major mile stone of the student BBC microbits starting to arrive in schools."

Meanwhile closer to home director Kevin Spurr was at Fernwood School in Nottingham, where he was helping some students to use the BBC microbit whilst chatting to BBC radio Nottingham about the project.

Kevin Spurr commented "It was great to see to the students being so enthusiastic about using the BBC microbit" he continued "I can’t wait for all the BBC microbits to be delivered so they can start making a difference and inspire a new generation of engineers".

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Rob Haywood
Nothing has been decided yet, we will announce via our newsletter as soon as we know. Rob
Val Doidge
My Grandson is 13 and in Year 9 and so will not be apart of the Year 7 rollouts. How do I buy a BBC micro:bit for him?