Getting Started With The Servo:Lite Board:
The Servo:Lite board for the BBC micro:bit is a simple board that allows you to easily connect and control low power servo motors (servo's must be capable of operating at 3.3V) using the BBC micro:bit. It is connected to the micro:bit using five bolts. Connect two servos in standard configuration and it can drive up to 3 servos if the addressable ZIP LEDs aren't needed. It is powered by 3 AAA batteries which also supplies power to the BBC micro:bit. The board also features an On / off switch so when it's not in use the batteries won't drain.Attaching A microbit To The Servo:Lite Board:
The board has been designed so that the BBC micro:bit can be bolted to the front, using the supplied spacer and 5 M3x8 countersunk machine screws (See above image). Once connected, 3 x AAA can be inserted into the attached battery cage on the rear of the board. For more information please refer to the Servo:Light Datasheet.Servo:Lite And microbit Pin Assignments:
microbit. | Servo:Lite. |
Pin 0. | ZIP LEDS. |
Pin 1. | Servo 1. |
Pin 2. | Servo 2. |
Connecting Servos To The Servo:Lite board:

Writing Code To Control The ZIP LEDs:
In order to write code for the microbit to control the ZIP LEDs on the Servo:Lite board, we need to open a browser and go to the MakeCode Editor. If you are going to create the code yourself you will need to add the neopixel functionality to the editor. To do this, click on the Advanced option and then select 'Extensions' at the foot of the menu, the Neopixels option will be displayed and can be clicked on. If you are dragging a hex file that contains neopixel blocks into the editor you will not need to Add Package as this is done automatically. In the above example, we have two loops; the 'On Start' loop and the 'Forever' loop. In the 'On Start' loop we have created a variable to hold information about the ZIP LEDs; which microbit pin is being used to control them, how many LEDs there are, and what type of LEDs are being controlled. We then reduce the brightness a little and display a static rainbow pattern across the five ZIP LEDs. In the 'Forever' loop we have three lines of code to animate the display by cycling each LED through the shown colours, the pause is to slow the cycling to speed so that our eyes can easily detect what is happening. To grab the code, click the download button in the embedded editor above.Writing Code To Control 2 Servos:
In the above code example; pressing button A rotates both servos by 180 degrees and pressing button B rotates them both back to their starting point. This code will allow you test that the Servo:Lite board is working and that the servos are behaving as expected. For more detailed coding guides, please refer to the further information links below. To grab the code, click the download button in the embedded editor above. Getting Code Onto The microbit: Once you have downloaded the code to your computer, you will find the HEX file in your default download folder. Connect the microbit to your computer via USB. You will see it show up as a removable drive called MICROBIT. Pick up the file you downloaded and drop it directly onto the MICROBIT drive. The light on the back of the microbit will begin to blink. Once it has stopped blinking the file will have finished transferring to the microbit and it is safe to either unplug the microbit or begin using the program. The MakeCode Editor itself is also drag and drop. Allowing you to drop a HEX file into the editing area and it will open the file as a program allowing you to edit it.Other Useful Information:
Links for the Servo:Lite Board Guides:- Guide For Kitronik Custom Servo Blocks.
- Controlling 3 Servos With The Servo:Lite.
- Using Kitronik ZIP LEDs With The BBC microbit.
WS2812B Datasheet.
Servo:Lite Datasheet.
- Controlling :MOVE mini With The microbit Radio.
- Adding Bluetooth Remote Control To :MOVE mini.
- Drawing With The :MOVE mini For The microbit.
- Automatic Headlights For :MOVE mini.
- Coding Indicators For :MOVE mini.
©Kitronik Ltd – You may print this page & link to it, but must not copy the page or part thereof without Kitronik's prior written consent.
Mark Donnison
Hi Cassim, you can either drop the file onto a microbit when it is ready to go, or to edit it further you can visit the makecode editor and drag and drop the file into the workspace. It will open in a form that can be edited.
Hi. I have two questions. I am trying to open the .hex file.What app do I use? Browser is Firefox. My project requires 5 servos to work at the same time. The Servo Lite Board allows for a max of 3.What are my options? Do you have a Servo Board to control all 5 at the same time. Thank you Cassim
Mark Donnison
Hi Paul, Sorry you had an issue with your purchase. If you don't mind me asking, where did you purchase the board from?
Paul Sheppard
Trying the code withn the servo:lite attached to the microbit. I have taken the code example as is and created it from scratch, both operate correctly in the makecode emulator. However, neither seem to run on the device after transferring it to the microbit. I have transferred the flashing heart code to check power is coming from the servolite to the microbit. All OK. And double checked the spacer and screws are in the right way. I think I have just figured out what is amiss. I just purchased this and the Cut to use Servo 3 appears to have already been cut. That would explain it. I'll go back to the reseller. Cheers
Mark Donnison
Hi Deborah, it would be helpful to know what you are trying to do that the spacer is getting in the way of? If you could send a photograph to we will be better able to assist you with your issue.
@deborah alexander
I have purchased the servo:lite board. The spacer is not at all “giving,” it is rigid. It is possible to use the screws provided to attach the spacer, but not the spacer and the Micro:bit. The screws simply will not reach. It is safe to attach the Micr:bit directly? What do you advise?
Mark Donnison
Hi Richard, on the bottom of the servo you will see a trim pot that can be adjusted with a flat bladed screwdriver. Try adjusting this slightly in one direction and then re run your code. If it gets worse try adjusting a small amount in the other direction until it improves. Continue with small adjustments until it comes to a complete stop in the middle position and you should be good to go. I hope this helps.
Richard Mitchell
Hi, I've bought a servo:lite board and need help controlling a 180 degree servo. I am not a programmer, so I can only code in blocks so far. I am having trouble getting the servo stop in a middle position and stopping it reaching the end of travel, at which point it starts shaking, I guess the motor is fighting the gears. Any help much appriciated.