A Merchant Taylor Student working with the BBC micro:bit.
The workshop was based to help prepare for the introduction of the BBC micro:bit into schools and to help the Year 7 students get used to the new programming interface of the BBC micro:bit. The students experimented with the new features on the BBC micro:bit including the built-in digital accelerometer and internal compass. The students got to grips with programming the BBC micro:bit in a short amount of time. This goes to show how easy it is to program the BBC micro:bit.A student working with the BBC micro:bit
One of our team advising a student
Along with the workshop, we also judged a competition of High Power Amplifiers designed by some of the students using our High Power Amplifier Kits. We were very impressed with the range of materials that have been used for 'upcycling' the materials to form the case of the amplifiers. Below is a selection of amplifiers that have caught our attention. You can see all of the amplifiers in this gallery article.A LEGO Styled High Power Amplifier
A Coloured Pencil Styled High Power Amplifier
During the tour of the new Design Centre, we were also shown their new Stratasys 3D Printer that would be used to print out models and 3D designs designed by the students.Entrance of the new Design Centre
Inside the new Design Centre
It's always inspiring to see what can be achieved in D&T and we were very impressed with what can be done using our project kits. Our workshop was featured in the Merchant Taylors' Weekly School Newsletter and they said this statement below:'Design Week has been hugely absorbing and exciting - a wonderful way to celebrate the recent opening of the new Design Centre! There have been a huge number of activities for the boys and many inspiring speakers from the worlds of commerce and design illustrating the relevance of Design and Technology today. We have been delighted to see the enthusiasm of the boys and the response of the many parents who visited our twilight sessions.'
We would love to see your designs and feature them as a blog or as a gallery on our website. You can send the photos to this email address. You can sign up to our newsletter here if you want to keep up to date with new products here at Kitronik!©Kitronik Ltd – You may print this page & link to it, but must not copy the page or part thereof without Kitronik's prior written consent.