Kitronik University resource is part of the BBC micro:bit
partnership and will show you how to make a
BBC micro:bit 3D printable case. It has been produced in conjunction with our friends at
Robox. We are currently working on this project, it will be available later on this summer. In the meantime enjoy this sneak preview!

Straight from the development lab, check out these renders, and pictures of the first prototype.

As you can see, the design is quite simple and offers protection for your BBC microbit, gives you access to the BBC microbits buttons and also allows for full visibility of the LED matrix on the microbit.

Once the design for the BBC microbit 3D printable case is settled it just remains to import the design into your 3D printer software and to print it. As we have Robox printers we use
AutoMaker to manage our 3D print jobs. When importing your designs ensure that the model is placed on the printing bed in a suitable way.

If your print was successful, with a bit of tidying up your BBC micro:bit 3D printable case should be good to go.
You can see our full BBC micro:bit - Kitronik University Course
©Kitronik Ltd – You may print this page & link to it, but must not copy the page or part thereof without Kitronik's prior written consent.
Mark Donnison
Hi, you will find the links to the files at the foot of the resource, after all of the images.
Joachim Schrøder
I can't seem to find the .stl for this nice case? I'm planning to incorporate the battery pack into the case as well if I can get the file…
Mark Donnison
Hi Richard, links now added.
Hi Kitronik, now that it's autumn, will you be releasing the files to make this great looking micro:bit case? Thanks