You Will Need:
- A computer/laptop with a USB port and internet access (or MakeCode Desktop App)
- 1 x BBC micro:bit
- Optional: :GAME Controller
- A micro USB cable
- Optional: An input device such as a thumbslide joystick, or thumb joystick.
You Will Learn:
- Processing user input on the microbit.
- How to process user input from an external device.
- Controlling movement on the LED matrix.
- That there is always more than one way to get the desired result.
microbit Games - Controlling Movement On The LED Matrix:
We've got four code examples to go through, starting with the most difficult/unwieldy first. The first two make use of the Input buttons of the microbit, the third utilises an external analogue device and the fourth makes use of the :GAME Controller for BBC micro:bit. All of the examples are coded using the Microsoft MakeCode editor and we chose to use blocks. The four sections are;- 1 - Using the 'LED blocks' in the MakeCode editor to light up an LED, then move it with button presses. Jump
- 2 - Use the MakeCode 'Game blocks' to create a sprite on the screen, then move it with button presses. Jump
- 3 - Use the 'Map block' to gather user input from a joystick via the microbit gpio pins. Jump
- 4 - Using a dedicated gaming platform such as the :GAME Controller. Jump
1 - Take The Scenic Route:

What does the code do:
The code accepts input from the user via the microbits A and B buttons and also when the microbit is shaken. The lit LED is given a starting position and the user input takes over from there. A moves the LED left, B moves the LED right, A+B moves the LED up and shake brings it to the bottom of the column. Additionally, there is code that ensures the lit LED can't disappear off the edge of the LED matrix.How does the code work:
There are five distinct chunks of code, four that handle each type of user input and one that sets the starting position for the LED. The code relies heavily on the use of variables, in this case, X-Pos and Y-Pos. The contents of the variables are updated by user input and the results are plotted to the screen in real time. Let's take a closer look.The On Start Block:

The on Button press Input Blocks:

On Button A Pressed:
When the A button is pressed the variable X-Pos is changed by minus 1. If you refer to the grid further up you will see that this will result in the X-Pos variable being updated with a number that will move it one space to the left. The code then clears the screen of its last location and replots it with the updated value now held in the X-Pos variable. The LED moves one space left.On Button B Pressed:
When the B button is pressed the variable X-Pos is changed by plus 1. If you refer to the grid further up you will see that this will result in the X-Pos variable being updated with a number that will move it one space to the right. The code then clears the screen of its last location and replots it with the updated value now held in the X-Pos variable. The LED moves one space right.On Button A+B Pressed:
When the A and B buttons are pressed at the same time the variable Y-Pos is changed by minus 1. If you refer to the grid further up you will see that this will result in the Y-Pos variable being updated with a number that will move it one space upwards. The code then clears the screen of its last location and replots it with the updated value now held in the Y-Pos variable. The LED moves one space up.The Code that Keeps The LED On Screen:
Each of the button press options has code contained within an 'if' block (found in the logic menu). This ensures that the LED cannot go any further, in the current direction of movement, than the edge of the display. In the grid further up you can see the values for the edge of the screen. In the case of the B button press; if the X-Pos value is greater than 4 it will be reset to 4 and replotted. No matter how many times you try to move further than the edge, the position will just be reset to the edge.The On Shake Input Block:

Grab The Code:
2 - Obey Your Thirst For Simplicity With Sprites:

What does the code do:
The code accepts input from the user via the microbits A and B buttons and also when the microbit is shaken. The lit Sprite is given a starting position and the user input takes over from there. A moves the Sprite left, B moves the Sprite right, A+B moves the Sprite up and shake brings it to the bottom of the column. Additionally, there is code that ensures the Sprite can't disappear off the edge of the LED matrix.A Word About Sprites:
Many of our Kitronik microbit boards can be coded using custom blocks that we've added to the MakeCode editor. These blocks simplify the job of coding by containing a number of functions within a single block. Sprites are much the same, as each Sprite block hides a number of coded instructions within it. This means you can do some pretty complicated things with relatively few blocks. This is great when you are starting out as it is less likely you will convince yourself that it's too difficult to learn. A host of Variables can look quite scary to the novice, Sprite commands much less so.How does the code work:
There are five distinct chunks of code, four that handle each type of user input and one that sets the starting position for the Sprite. The code is simplified greatly by the use of Sprites. Essentially it works in the same way as the more complicated version above but requires much fewer blocks. Each button press moves the Sprite in the desired direction and the 'if on edge bounce' block ensures the sprite stays on the screen. Let's have a closer look.The On Start Block:

The on Button press Input Blocks:

On Button A Pressed:
When the A button is pressed the Sprites x value is changed by minus 1. If you refer to the grid further up you will see that this will result in Sprites x value being updated with a number that will move it one space to the left.On Button B Pressed:
When the B button is pressed the Sprites x value is changed by plus 1. If you refer to the grid further up you will see that this will result in Sprites x value being updated with a number that will move it one space to the right.On Button A+B Pressed:
When the A and B buttons are pressed at the same time the Sprites y value is changed by minus 1. If you refer to the grid further up you will see that this will result in the Sprites y value being updated with a number that will move it one space upwards.The Code that Keeps The LED On Screen:
Each of the button press options has a code block for 'if on edge bounce'. This ensures that the Sprite cannot go any further, in the direction of movement, than the edge of the display. No matter how many times you press the button, the Sprite cannot move any further than the edge of the screen.The On Shake Input Block:

Grab The Code:
3 - Let's Take It Outside (of the micro:bit with a joystick):

The Thumbslide Joystick:
The X & Y axis pads on the underside of the joystick output an analog voltage, you can code the microbit to monitor and read these voltages and translate that into an action. In this example we used the Microsoft Block Editor and made use of the 'map' block to read the output voltages from the X & Y Axis and convert them into a value from 0 to 4 so that the position of the joystick can be tracked using the LED matrix on the micro bit. An edge connector and breadboard is a great way of prototyping this setup. You can expect a range of about 128 to 775 on each axis. You will need to experiment, as the range may vary from joystick to joystick. Note: For wiring this part; if you look at the device from the bottom, the pin out goes:
What does the code do:
The code accepts user input via Pins 0 and 2, these pins are connected to our joystick. Pin 0 is reading movement in the x axis and Pin 2 the y axis. We then use the map block, found in the Pins menu, to convert the pin readings to values that can be stored in our x and y variables. The map block collects readings between two values that we specify. We checked the specs of the joystick as a starting point and tweaked them with a bit of trial and error. Once the microbit is interpreting these values adequately we can then plot the x and y values to the screen. The LEDs position will update in real time. So, any change in the joystick position will instantly be reflected in the LED matrix. All of the 'if' statements contain code to stop the LED disappearing off the edge of the screen in all four directions. Let's take a closer look.The On Start Block:

The Map Blocks:

Plotting The LED On The Matrix:

Edge Detection:

Grab The Code:
4 - Let's Take It Outside 2 (This time it's personal, to Kitronik):

What does the code do:
The code accepts user input via pins; 12, 13, 15 and 16. These are the pins that relate to the codable buttons on the :GAME controller that we've chosen to use. Once a button press occurs it moves the Sprite either, left, right, up, or down. There is also code that ensures that the Sprite can't disappear off the screen. Let's take a closer look.The On Start Block:

The on button joypad/fire button press blocks:

on button Joypad Left press:
When the left joypad button is pressed the Sprites position on the x axis changes by minus one. If you refer to the grid you will see that this will move the Sprite one place left on the LED matrix.on button Joypad Right press:
When the right joypad button is pressed the Sprites position on the x axis changes by plus one. If you refer to the grid you will see that this will move the Sprite one place Right on the LED matrix.on button Fire 1 press:
When fire 1 is pressed the Sprites position on the y axis changes by minus one. If you refer to the grid you will see that this will move the Sprite one place Up on the LED matrix.on button Fire 2 press:
When fire 2 is pressed the Sprites position on the y axis changes by plus one. If you refer to the grid you will see that this will move the Sprite one place Down on the LED matrix.The code that keeps the Sprite on the screen:
Each of the button press options has a code block for 'if on edge bounce'. This ensures that the Sprite cannot go any further, in the direction of movement, than the edge of the display. No matter how many times you press the button, the Sprite cannot move any further than the edge of the screen.Grab the code:
That's all folks, for now...

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