Replenish D&T Stocks For The New School Year
The summer holidays are almost upon us and D&T Department stocks may be beginning to dwindle, so why not replenish D&T stocks before the summer to ensure the new school year gets off to a flying start.

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As well as Electronic Project kits and Materials we also provide a number of other services designed to make running your department as easy as possible. See below for more details.  

Custom PCB Service:

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Let us take the trouble out of manufacturing your schools PCBs. Not only will our boards be much less hassle than making them yourself but you will get an FR4 PCB with component identification and solder resist, drilled, cut and ready for use. The summer cutoff date is fast approaching, so order now to ensure that you can start the new school year with everything you need. The cutoff date to place your custom PCB orders is 14th July 2016.  For more information about this service, visit our Custom PCB page.  

Electronic Project Kits:

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We stock a wide range of electronic kits including many designed and manufactured here in the UK by us, and a range of SparkFun and PICAXE project kits. Our range of kits also supports the curriculum, key stage 2 through to key stage 5. We offer free technical support for schools and a wide range of tutorials and resources for the hobbyist to help you get the most out of your electronic project kit. For more information visit our Electronic Project Kits page.  


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We understand that a great project doesn't end with an electronic project kit. To that end, we stock a wide range of materials to help you create a great finish for your project, most of which are suitable for use on a laser cutter. Be sure to check out Veneers, Polypropylene Sheets and Perspex Sheets as all three categories have had new additions in recent weeks.  

BBC micro:bit & Accessories:

bbc_micobit_gif_v2 We have introduced seven different pre-order buying options for the BBC micro bit, including one specifically designed for the classroom. The classroom pack contains; 10 x BBC micro:bits, 10 x 1M anti-tangle USB cables, 10 x Battery cages and 20 x AAA Batteries. We also offer a range of accessories and add-on's to help you and your students get more from BBC micro:bit based activities.  

Other Services:

  • Free samples service (schools only): We offer a free samples service for schools to try one of our kits exclusive to kitronik.

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