10 Recommended Products to Support Home Schooling

In uncertain times, we must come together and help one another. From this Friday, a lot of schools in the UK will close for the majority of children, which means home schooling could cause stressful times for a lot of parents out there. We want to help where we can, so we've come up with 10 products that will support your child(ren)'s education.

 At Kitronik, we pride ourselves in providing fantastic products that are educational, engaging and fun. Alongside our FREE educational resources, there is plenty to take full advantage of during this time! From taking your first steps with a BBC micro:bit to learning how to solder, we've got the products and information to help you teach at home.  

10 Recommended Home Schooling Educational Products

Let's take a look at some of the products that we have to offer here at Kitronik, in no particular order. Before we get started, we should note that these products are there to be an additional supporting mechanism for your child(ren)'s education and should not be used as a replacement for any work that your child(ren)'s school may have given them to complete.  

1 - BBC micro:bit Starter Kit - Organic Bag

What is included in the BBC micro:bit

Help your child learn a vital skill - coding! The BBC micro:bit is a fully programmable computer designed to encourage coding and development. Once you've got your micro:bit, you can use it for hundreds of projects, activities and even incorporate other products to explore Robotics or other educational subjects! The kit includes:


2 - Kitronik Discovery Kit for BBC micro:bit

An experiment on the Discovery Kit

If coding is something new to your child(ren), then our Discovery Kit is perfect! Assuming no prior knowledge, this kit contains detailed information and guidance about everything a new user would need to know. It covers everything from using a prototyping board to using Microsoft MakeCode Editor. Plus, complete 5 different experiments and have a prototyping system for your own projects afterwards! It's at a fantastic price point too - £10 (ex.VAT). The main features of the kit are:

  • A great introduction to both coding and electronics
  • No soldering required - build your first circuit in minutes
  • Make 5 experiments with a step-by-step tutorial book


3 - Kitronik Simple Robotics for BBC micro:bit

Home example of the Simple Robotics Kit in action

Enter the world of robotics with this simple-to-build kit which has been specifically designed for home schooling. Build the robot together, follow the detailed tutorial book to understand how to code the robot and watch the action unfold! Designed and tested with direct Teacher assistance, and in the classroom, this kit lends itself perfectly to the young roboteer! There a lot of fantastic features, including:

  • Clippable electronics and simple to build
  • Simple to code using Microsoft MakeCode Editor
  • Has bonus tutorials online for even more projects
  • It is customisable and you can make other projects


4 - Soldering Iron Starter Kit

Shows what you get inside the Soldering Iron Starter Kit

Take advantage of this great value soldering pack which includes everything you need to get started straight away! Want to practice? Why not take a look at some of our Easy Build Kits and have a go at soldering one! You can take a look at the range here. This kit includes the following:

  • 30W Soldering Iron
  • 1 x Safety Stand
  • 1 x Desoldering Pump
  • Lead-Free Solder


5 - Kitronik Inventor's Kit for BBC micro:bit

Inventor's Kit for BBC micro:bit

Wanting a kit that contains lots of items, experiments and information? Look no further! Containing over 50 parts, a detailed tutorial book to take you through 10 different experiments and lots to learn, our Inventor's Kit is a great way to learn independently about creating circuits and code! Plus, you can try our Noise Pack Add-on, ZIP LED Add-on or our Digital Logic Add-on if you want even more! This kit offers:

  • No soldering so you can build your first circuit in minutes!
  • All parts are included to conduct the 10 experiments + 2 bonus ones
  • Small prototype breadboard included for fast prototyping



6 - Kitronik ARCADE for MakeCode Arcade

Home learning with the ARCADE

It's more than gaming. ARCADE is a programmable gamepad for use with MakeCode Arcade to create retro games. It's a great way to develop your child(ren)'s coding skills by learning about how to code games with Blocks and Javascript. MakeCode Arcade is full of educational resources that are free to take advantage of, including some of the following:

  • Guided tutorials to help you code simple or complex retro games
  • Learn from games that have been written by community members
  • Take advantage of lesson plans, CS courses, coding cards and more!


7 - Electro-Fashion Starter Pack - Miniature Cell Holder

An example the Etectro-Fashion Starter Pack

Get your craft on! If you're not interested in coding, something more creative might be more suitable whilst home schooling. Our Electro-Fashion Range has everything you need to be able to incorporate electronics into textile projects. This kit in particular, is a great starting point and has enough parts to create two fantastic projects of your own choice! To complete these projects, here are just some of the popular parts included:


8- Kitronik :MOVE mini MK2 Buggy Kit

:MOVE mini MK2

Get the best of both worlds - learn to code whilst incorporating robotics! Our popular MK2 is a fun and engaging robot that can be coded using MakeCode. Use with our free app, draw shapes, code headlights, use radio functionality and much more! There's also lots of free resources available too, which can be used for both our original :MOVE mini and our latest MK2. Some examples include:

  • Guide for coding indicators
  • 4 lesson plans
  • Drawing shapes
  • Adding bluetooth remote control


9 - Kitronik STOP:Bit - Traffic Light for BBC micro:bit

A display of a STOP:bit, :MOVE mini and LAMP:bit with stands

Upgrade your pedestrian crossing and add some colour into your home! This pre-assembled STOP:bit has 3 LEDs that can be coded easily to create a project that's fun for younger children. If you're looking for more, you can also incorporate our LAMP:bit or more STOP:bit and use a radio module to communicate with one another. In fact, you could create your own city and have some fun with it! We created 3 free lesson plans too which are suitable for KS3, including:

  • Traffic Light Sequences
  • Pedestrian Crossing
  • Traffic Lights & Pedestrian Crossing


10 - Kitronik Colour Changing USB Lamp Kit & More

An example of a Kitronik Colour Changing USB Lamp Kit by Great Houghton School

Practice your child(ren)'s soldering skills with some of our Electronic Kits, like one of our most popular Colour Changing USB Lamp Kit. We stock a wide range of kits, plus the kits are sub-categorised which include Easy Build Kits for beginners, Intermediate Kits and more. This makes it easier to find what you are looking for! This kit is ideal for beginners and can be used to design the following:

  • Create a desk lamp or
  • Create an ornament


We hope you found this guide useful in helping to determine which products might be appropriate for your child(ren)'s home schooling. We will shortly be posting about some of our recommended resources and information that we have on our website, but if you want quick access to these now, here is a broad list:

From all of us at Kitronik, we hope you're all well and keep safe during this difficult time.   Like our content? Why not sign up to our newsletter to make sure you that you don't miss out on anything! You can sign up here.

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