Bare Conductive Touch Board
Use the Touch Board to change the world around you by turning almost any material or surface into a sensor. Paint a lightswitch on your wall, make a paper piano or create a custom interactive surface. Connect anything conductive to one of its 12 electrodes and trigger a sound via its onboard MP3 player, play a MIDI note or do anything else that you might do with an Arduino or Arduino-compatible device. The Touch Board is ideal to use with Bare Conductive Paint 50ml Pot or the Bare Conductive Paint 10ml Pen. Or if you'd like a festive introduction to fun with conductive paint why not get into the Christmas spirit with these Flashing Greetings cards!
Bare Conductive Merry Resistivities Flashing Card Set
The Bare Conductive Merry Resistivities card set comes with 3 cards, LEDs, coin cells and conductive paint as well as instructions for drawing your own light up Christmas card.
Bare Conductive Merry Resistivities Flashing Card Set
This seasonal fun activity is great for makers of all ages. Bare have an easy easy step-by-step instructions showing you how to draw simple circuits with Electric Paint and attach a flashing LED and battery to your Christmas greetings cards.
Have a very flashy Christmas with these super accessories from Bare Conductive!
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