Mini 360 Degree Servo:
The Mini 360 Degree Servo is very similar in size and weight to the Tower Pro SG90, only much better value. It is ideal for use with micro-controller systems like the BBC micro:bit, Arduino, Raspberry Pi and PICAXE and its small size makes it an ideal choice for radio controlled models. It comes with the same accessories that the 180 servo comes with:- 2 x Mounting screws.
- 3 x Control horns.

How Does It Differ From The 180 Degree Servo:
Its operation is very different to that of a standard servo. Instead of going to a specified angle, this servo will be static at a 1.5 ms pulse (a trimmer is included to tweak this), a longer pulse (duty cycle) gives forward rotation and a shorter pulse (duty cycle) gives backwards rotation. The pulse frequency remains at 50Hz regardless of the length of the duty cycle. If you are using the block editor for the BBC micro:bit to write code to control the servo then this is taken care of by the code behind the blocks but if you choose to write your code in something like 'C' then you would need to specify a pulse frequency of 50Hz in your code.
More Information:
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