Just got your BBC microbit and want to protect it from external damage? We've got the perfect cases for your BBC
microbit. Whether you are mounting it on a wall or protecting it from falling off a buggy, Our MI:pro
'Protector' and
'Mountable' series cases are perfect for your BBC microbit!
NOTE: BBC microbit, 2 x AAA Battery Cage with JST Connector and AAA Batteries are NOT included.
NOTE: BBC microbit, 2 x AAA Battery Cage with JST Connector and AAA Batteries are NOT included. Keep your BBC microbit safe by using this 'mountable' version of the MI:pro Protector Case for the BBC microbit. This case has been specifically designed with portability and expansion in mind. This
MI:pro 'Mountable' Case for the BBC microbit features two 'keyhole slot' style wall mounting points attached to the sides of the BBC microbit case. The clear casing allows the BBC microbit be seen inside the case, allowing the on-board LED matrix to be viewed. This case is easy to assemble using the nylon screws provided.

MI:pro Protector Case for the BBC microbit not only keeps a BBC microbit in perfect condition but also offers a number of other benefits. Keep your BBC microbit safe and secure with this compact, portable protective case where a
2xAAA Battery Cage with JST Connector can be bolted to the back, making a compact and portable unit. It also can be stood neatly on a desk and provide large easy to read labels for the A and B buttons. This case provides full access to the bottom pins on the BBC microbit so the
Edge Connector Breakout Board for BBC microbit can be used. Both of these cases are perfect companions to your BBC microbit. If you are looking for more inspiration. The parts are cut from
perspex sheet, making them durable. Don't forget to have a look at our
BBC microbit accessories and sign up to our
newsletter if you want to keep up to date with all BBC microbit news here at Kitronik.
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