Online Teaching and Learning Resources for the LAB:bit for BBC micro:bit
The Kitronik LAB:bit for the BBC microbit offers a super fun way for children aged 8+ to learn about coding in an engaging and hands-on way. It's backed by online MakeCode tutorials, simplified custom blocks, and a detailed getting started guide. Let's take a look at each of the resources available...
micro:bit Multitasking with MakeCode
In this blog we are going to look at how we can multitask on the BBC micro:bit with MakeCode. In our example we used the Kitronik HaloHD to visually indicate the micro:bit running two different tasks at the same time. Learn more...
How to Manage Packages for Pico in Thonny
In this guide we are going to look at how you can use the package manager in Thonny to download the libraries for Kitronik products directly onto your Raspberry Pi Pico.
First steps with the Raspberry Pi Pico and Thonny.
The Pico can be programmed in a number of languages. This guide is for MicroPython – a Python implementation for micro controllers, and uses the Thonny editor. This guide provides everything you need to know to get going with Pico and MicroPython.
Getting Started With Scratch For microbit
Learn how to get up and running with Scratch for microbit. Scratch is probably the most well known and widely used platforms for learning to code. Since version 3, it's appeal has widened further as it now has native support for the micro:bit!
EduBlocks Editor For microbit Getting Started
EduBlocks is a drag and drop blockly style coding editor that is based on Python. In this getting started guide, we cover the information you need to get up and running fast. Don't worry if you are new to Python and/or coding, once you learn the editor the rest will come in time.
Custom Kitronik :GAME ZIP 64 MakeCode Blocks
We have just added our new custom :GAME ZIP 64 MakeCode Blocks to the Microsoft MakeCode Editor. The 14 blocks are specifically designed to make coding games as quick and painless as possible. Learn more here!
Getting Started With Microsoft MakeCode Editor
This Kitronik University Resource is a part of the BBC micro:bit partnership and is a basic guide for getting started with Microsoft MakeCode Editor. Find out more...
BBC micro:bit - Kitronik University
This Kitronik University course is part of the BBC microbit partnership and covers aspects of the micro:bit including an overview of what it is, what our role is and of course tutorials to let you get started using it within Design & Technology and Science. Learn now!