
Using the micro:bit edge-connector with MakeCode Arcade
Full micro:bit edge connector support has now been added to the MakeCode Arcade editor. To highlight this, Jake from our Dev team has put together a code example to demonstrate the functionality of the micro:bit IO under Makecode Arcade. The demonstration involves a modification of the “jumpy platformer” example. Learn how...

Online Teaching and Learning Resources for the LAB:bit for BBC micro:bit
The Kitronik LAB:bit for the BBC microbit offers a super fun way for children aged 8+ to learn about coding in an engaging and hands-on way. It's backed by online MakeCode tutorials, simplified custom blocks, and a detailed getting started guide. Let's take a look at each of the resources available...

10 micro:bit Products & Resources Suitable for Children Aged 8+
With the launch of micro:bit next gen, we thought it would be useful to highlight how accessible learning is for the younger students right now. It might surprise you to learn that there is already a wealth of micro:bit accessories and free learning resources suitable for the younger students. Find out more...

Turn The :MOVE Motor Into A Radio Controlled Halloween SpookMobile
This is a simple make that sits on top of your :MOVE Motor and adds some Halloween drama to your remote-controlled buggy. The LEDs are used to replicate the flickering of candles, and the V2 micro:bit’s speaker is used to make a ghostly noise. Follow Emma's instructions and make your own!

BBC micro:bit - Kitronik University
This Kitronik University course is part of the BBC microbit partnership and covers aspects of the micro:bit including an overview of what it is, what our role is and of course tutorials to let you get started using it within Design & Technology and Science. Learn now!