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Last week we brought you the Robox 3D Printer, this week we are continuing with the big product launches and announcing that we now have the Plaskolite Coloured Mirror Acrylic available to purchase!
Available in 5 different colours, this extruded coloured mirror acrylic is ideal for home builds such as speaker cases, amplifier kits, or maybe you could even try building your own Raspberry Pi case? Key features of the acrylic include it's high gloss surface, low light transmission, and that it is easily laser cut, drilled and thermoformed. Applications where coloured mirror acrylic may be useful include model making, signs, artistic and architectural installation, casings, etc. For more information on working with materials such as mirrored acrylics, opaque acrylics, and more, visit our 'Working With Perspex' resources section. We have also added to our components range a 16 DIL pin Decade Counter with 10 decoded outputs and inputs including, clock, reset, and clock inhibit. The decade counter is to be used whenever you need a device in your circuit to count from 0-9. It is ideal for applications such as an electronic table hockey game, to mark the scores. Did you see our post earlier this week on the 3D printed retro radio, featuring our radio kit? And don't forget you'll never miss a product update when you subscribe to our newsletter by CLICKING HERE!