Motor Driver Board For The BBC micro:bit V2 Design Aims:
- Allow users to access all of the BBC microbits I/O pins. - Check.
- Not lose any of its original functionality - Check.
- Still be able to be used with Kits such as the Line following buggy - Check.
- To have the same general design and layout as the original board - Check.
- The new pins need to be able to be soldered - Check.
- The new pins need to be the correct spacing for our PCB pin headers - Check.
Motor Driver Board For The BBC microbit V2 Features:
V2 includes an integrated Edge Connector slot for your BBC micro:bit to easily slot into. It also features external connections to the Buttons A and B inputs. This allows additional switches to be connected to the motor driver board and the state of these can then be read by the BBC microbit.- Drive 2 motors with full forward, reverse and stop control.
- Terminal blocks for easy connection of motors and inputs.
- 4 inputs (2 analogue inputs and 2 provide external connections to Buttons A and B as inputs).
- Includes Edge Connector for the BBC micro:bit to slot into.
- Provide regulated power to the BBC microbit.
- Access the other BBC micro:bit pins easily and conveniently.
Examples Of How You Might Use The Extra I/O:
The Motor Driver board already features in our Line following Buggy kit, V2 has been designed so that it will still fit this kit but the extra I/O means that your buggy can easily be modified to do so much more than just follow a line.
- Try fitting the buggy with extra lights.
- You can connect sensors to the buggy to allow you to build a maze solving robot.
- With a modified base plate, you could even connect a second motor driver to control another pair of motors for a 4 motor buggy. Your single BBC micro:bit could be used to control the I/O for both motor driver boards.
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