The Kitronik Jan 2018 D&T update flyer is now out and it's choc full of great new products! If you don't yet have your hard copy, we've also put it online for your convenience. Access it anytime, anywhere, and on any device that has an internet browser.

As well as developing and testing our own new products we've also been busy creating free resources and guides. The resources include coding guides/downloads, new soldering guides, using laser materials, and much more.
We've also released our first Android App! The App is to accompany any of our
microbit products that lend themselves to receiving instructions over Bluetooth. The App works great with our
Line Following Buggy and our
:MOVE mini Buggy.
- Soldering guide.
- Popular laser materials.
- How component obsolescence affects the electronics industry.
- :MOVE mini resources and App.
- ZIP Halo for the micro:bit.
- Custom PCBs.
- Electro-Fashion.
- Wind up torch kit.
- :MOVE mini add-on packs.
- Mono amplifier V3.0.
- 16 Servo Driver Board for the micro:bit
- Klip Halo Board for the micro:bit.
The Jan 2018 D&T Update Flyer Online Version:
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