Getting Started with E-Textiles: Threading a Needle featured image
Once you've chosen a needle you need to thread it. Threading conductive thread isn't that much different to ordinary thread, except that the thread can be prone to fraying, so you may find the following tips useful when threading a needle.
  Our conductive thread is available in 45m, 2m or 6m. Here are some simple steps to make working with conductive thread easy! etextiles_threading_a_needle_560_04 Cut the tip of the thread off before starting to thread it so that it looks nice and sharp (like the bottom thread in the image below). If the needle doesn't thread on the first attempt, cut the end off again as it will probably snag and fray slightly. etextiles_threading_a_needle_560_06 Hold the thread tightly very close to your fingers so that only about 2 millimetres is showing as shown below. This allows you to control the end of the thread more easily and prevents it from fraying any more. etextiles_threading_a_needle_560_05 Push the end of the thread into the eye of the needle and be ready to pull it through the eye on the other side. If you find threading a needle difficult, you might find that using a needle threader helps. The image below shows the best type of needle threader to use as it is sturdy and strong. You will however need to make sure that the loop fits into the eye of your needle. You can also use the threaders that have small wire loops. They usually fit into needles with smaller eyes but they tend not to be as strong and don’t last as long. etextiles_threading_a_needle_560_01 To use this type of threader, slot the loop into the eye of the needle and lay the thread over the loop. etextiles_threading_a_needle_560_02 Pull the threader back through the eye of the needle and the thread will be pulled through the eye as well. The thread will be double so pull one of the ends of the loop to create a single thread. etextiles_threading_a_needle_560_03   Once your needle is threaded you're ready to move on to the next article in this series; Starting to sew.


Julie Boyd

Julie Boyd

Sandra, the threader itself is by a company called LoRan. I haven't seen it in the shops but you can buy it from a number of places online. I got mine from a company called Sew and So and it was just over £2. Try this link Hope that helps. Julie

Rob Haywood

Rob Haywood

Hi Sandra, I've passed a message on to Julie to find out where she sourced this from. Regards Rob

Sandra Davies

Sandra Davies

Hi Julie, Where can I buy the more solid needle threader from? I have never seen them before.

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