Kitronik BBC micro:bit Accessories:
The Edge Connector Breakout Boards give access to all of the important pins on the bottom edge of the BBC micro:bit. 21 pins are broken out in total; providing additional I/O lines, direct access to buttons A and B, the LED matrix outputs and the I2C bus. The BBC micro:bit pins are broken out to a row of solderable pads on the self assembly breakout board, and pin headers on the pre-built breakout board. The SCL and SDA pins are separated at the edge of the board providing easy identification. The PCB includes a prototyping area with 3V, 0V and unconnected rows that can be soldered to. This allows the easy connection of switches, sensors and any pull-up or pull-down resistors etc. as required.Kitroni Motor Driver Board for the BBC microbit:
The Motor Driver Board (Now updated to V2, with more breakout options) has terminal blocks to connect four input devices and a regulated 3V supply is fed in to the 80 way connector to power the inserted BBC micro:bit.
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