The Concept
The idea started as we designed our new range of :CITY small accessories for the BBC micro:bit, including the STOP:bit traffic light and ACCESS:bit barrier. We wanted a fun way to show them off working together in a street setting. The initial phase of making rough sketches opened up lots of ideas for layouts and features.


How we made the microbit Kitronik :CITY - BETT 2019:
Move Mini Garage
Other than the stadium, all of the buildings are laser cut from 3mm MDF, with artwork printed on A4 paper. We kept this simple building empty as a place to store spare batteries and a few tools, but it also makes a good guide for help with some of the other buildings.
- 3mm MDF (600x400mm).
- Hot glue or PVA.
- A4 paper.
- Craft knife or scissors.
- Glue stick or double sided tape.
- Our DXF and PDF files.

Kitronik :CITY Resources:
Our Kitronik :CITY stand attracted a lot of attention at BETT 2019. Many of our visitors also expressed a desire to make something similar once they returned to their schools. We decided to help out by producing the guides below. Each part of the :CITY has its own guide and each guide has all of the files, code and also instructions included. Additionally, if you or your students tackle any of the builds below then we would love to see the pictures. With your permission, we would also like to feature them in the Gallery (Gallery@kitronik.co.uk).Make A microbit Controlled Kitronik :CITY: | |
Kitronik :CITY Part 1 - Laser Cut :MOVE Mini Garage. | |
Kitronik :CITY Part 2 - :MOVE Mini Football Stadium. | |
Kitronik :CITY Part 3 - Klimate, microbit & ZIP Halo Big Ben. | |
Kitronik :CITY Part 4 - Servo Driver Board Tower Bridge. | |
Kitronik :CITY Part 5 - Robotics Board London Eye & Turbine. |
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