New Product Update: New Motors and Wheels
Our Motors and Accessories range is extending and now includes a Geared Motor with a matching wheel, a Solar Motor, and a large propeller. We love designing, building, and playing with robot buggies - especially when we see a Laika Explorer Board and Raspberry Pi carefully mounted for the ride! Who doesn't? Like the look of the Laika Buggy below? You can now get your hands on these statement wheels (with matching motors)!

Laika Buggy Laika Buggy

Get your project off to the right start - a perfect set of motors and wheels to build your own buggy:


Wheel for Geared Hobby Motor

This wheel is designed to 'push fit' onto our matching Geared Hobby Motor (below). They have a solid plastic wheel rim and rubber treaded tyre.

2547_large_geared_hobby_motorRight Angle Geared Hobby Motor

This is a 90RPM Geared Hobby Motor. It runs off a voltage of up to 6V and can be used with our matching tyre.

2548_additional_geared_hobby_motor_with_wheelHobby Motor and Wheel

IMG_2810_600pxBuggy example

The Laika Explorer Board provides powerful robotics control for the Raspberry Pi. Andy Bakin, the creator of Laika, demonstrated several projects at the OCR Raspberry Jamboree, held at Manchester Central on 27th and 28th February 2014, to illustrate the different ways in which students can introduce real world physical devices to programming projects. Presenting from the CPC stand, we exhibited several Laika modules including our most recent addition: the Laika Pen-wielding Buggy. The Pen-wielding Buggy is controlled by a joystick device, powered by a Laika Explorer Board and a Raspberry Pi. The buggy’s motors and wheels, and thus the pen, follow the motion of the joystick, allowing you to write your name, the Raspberry Pi logo, or anything that takes your fancy.

2546_large_low_inertia_solar_motorLow Inertia Solar Motor

This is a Low Inertia Solar DC Mini Motor. Operating voltage: 0.5V to 3V. Axle diameter: 2mm. Starting speed: 1000RPM. Starting current: 30mA at 0.5V.

2545_large_90mm_blue_three_blade_propeller_front90mm Blue Three Blade Propeller

This large propeller can be used with any motor with a 2mm shaft. The diameter is approximately 90mm.

2545_additional_90mm_blue_three_blade_propeller_motor_heldSolar Motor and Propeller

Together, the Solar Motor and the large propeller are great for powering light weight buggies, air freshener projects and much, much, more.

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