
Featuring: NTU Fuzzy Circuits - LED Wallet/Purse

Featuring: NTU Fuzzy Circuits - LED Wallet/Purse

The first example we are looking at is by student Harry Gowlett, who designed a purse with built-in LED, fixing the age old issue of searching for change.
Getting Started with E-Textiles: Choosing a Needle featured image

Getting Started with E-Textiles: Choosing a Needle

Unsure of which needle to use with our conductive thread? This quick guide will help you choose the right needle.
Featuring: NTU Fuzzy Circuits - LED Jacket

Featuring: NTU Fuzzy Circuits - LED Jacket

Last February, some first-year Art & Design Students at Nottingham Trent University showed some of their latest creations using Kitronik's own Electro-Fashion range. As a part of their course, each student had to design and make a sewable electronic circuit as a practical application.
E-Textiles: a Lesson in Electro-Fashion Components

E-Textiles: a Lesson in Electro-Fashion Components

All you need to know about conductive thread, LEDs for E-Textiles, coin cell batteries and holders, switches and conductive fabric.
Getting Started with E-Textiles: Threading a Needle featured image

Getting Started with E-Textiles: Threading a Needle

Learn how to quickly and easily thread needles with conductive thread.
How to Make a Soft Press Stud Switch featured image

How to Make a Soft Press Stud Switch

This Kitronik University course tutorial will tell you how to make a Stud Press Switch.
How Conductive Thread Works featured image

How Conductive Thread Works

Using conductive thread and how it works.
Nottingham Trent University Undergraduates Bring Some Sparkle to Their Textiles Projects

Nottingham Trent University Undergraduates Bring Some Sparkle to Their Textiles Projects

We had the pleasure of seeing and supporting a number of NTU undergraduate E-Textiles projects from the initial designs right through to the final stages. We loved working with the students and are really impressed with the level of detail that went into each design.
Introducing: BBC micro:bit Kitronik University

Introducing: BBC micro:bit Kitronik University

It's been 10 months since the BBC first got in touch with us to ask if we'd like to become a BBC micro:bit partner, and now, we're delighted to announce following todays official launch, we can launch our own ambitious plans.
BBC micro:bit - Kitronik University

BBC micro:bit - Kitronik University

This Kitronik University course is part of the BBC microbit partnership and covers aspects of the micro:bit including an overview of what it is, what our role is and of course tutorials to let you get started using it within Design & Technology and Science. Learn now!
BBC micro:bit - The Story so far- Kitronik University featured image

BBC micro:bit - The Story so far- Kitronik University

This Kitronik University resource is part of the BBC micro:bit partnership and explains how Kitronik became a BBC micro:bit partner.
Collision Detection Buggy Tutorial

Collision Detection Buggy Tutorial - Kitronik Univeristy

This Kitronik University resource is part of the BBC micro:bit partnership and will be an in depth tutorial into building a collision detection buggy using the BBC micro:bit and the expansion connector. We are currently working on this project, it will be available later on this summer. In the meantime enjoy this sneak preview!
Free E-Textiles Sample Packs - Kitronik University featured image

Free E-Textiles Sample Packs - Kitronik University

This Kitronik University resource is part of the BBC micro:bit partnership and explains exactly what is included in the Kitronik BBC micro:bit partner free e-textiles sample pack.
BBC micro:bit our Role - Kitronik University featured image

BBC micro:bit our Role - Kitronik University

Kitronik is one of many partners working with the BBC on the BBC micro:bit project. Collectively the project will give every year 7 student a BBC micro:bit, but just as important as the hardware it will offer project ideas, resources, tutorials to allow teachers to deliver exciting curriculum based activities using the BBC micro:bit. At Kitronik we will be focusing on using the BBC micro:bit within D&T.
What is the BBC micro:bit? - Kitronik University featured image

What is the BBC micro:bit? - Kitronik University

The BBC micro:bit is a pocket-sized computer that you can code, customise and control – simply switch it on and programme it to light up, sync with other devices, and make your very own BBC micro:bit ideas, games and apps come to life.
Fault Finding in E-Textiles

Fault Finding in E-Textiles

Common faults that can stop your e-textiles circuit working include: the thread shorting, loose connections, LEDs or batteries in backwards. In this tutorial learn how to spot these issues and fix them.
Kitronik University

Kitronik University

Welcome to the Kitronik University. We've written lots of guides on topics ranging from understanding electronic principles, practical demonstrations around soldering, e-textiles resources and much more. We've split things into three topics called Learning, Teaching and Making in order to help you quickly find the course you need.
Teaching Resources featured image

Teaching Resources

This one stop page features all of our teaching resources for our own kits and modules, as well as cutting files, and other resources for kits we sell. Find out more!
LED Resistor Value Calculator featured image

LED Resistor Value Calculator

This calculator works out the resistor value to accompany an LED by entering the battery voltage along with the LED forward voltage and typical current. Parameters for Kitronik LEDs can be picked from a list and the calculator even recommend a preferred resistor value complete with colour bands.
Autodesk Models of Kits

Autodesk Models of Kits

Autodesk have done a fantastic job of creating 3D models for a number of our kits, which can be downloaded here. These are ideal if you are using CAD to design a laser cut or 3D printed case.