Inventors Kit Experiment 10 Further Help
Inventors Kit Experiment 10 Further Help. This resource has been produced to compliment the booklet provided with the Inventors Kit for the BBC microbit as a source of further information and hints and tips.

Inventors Kit Experiment 10 Further Help -intro-870

This further help resource contains download links for additional code examples and also a walk-through video that covers the experiment in full. The video also has hints and tips to help you complete the experiment.  

Inventors Kit Experiment 10 - Using An RGB LED:

This experiment puts the RGB LED to use. An RGB LED is a special LED that contains three separate LEDs in one package. As you might have guessed the three LEDs are Red, Green and Blue. The light from these LEDs can be mixed together to allow for the creation of many colours. We can use the PWM function of the BBC micro:bit to have a very fine control over the colours and shades The RGB LED included in this Inventor’s pack is a common cathode LED which means all three LEDs inside the package share the same negative leg.  

Video Walk-Through With Hints & Tips:


Code Downloads:

The code examples below have been individually zipped and can be downloaded by clicking on your preferred option. Once unzipped you can either open the and edit the code in appropriate editor or place the HEX file onto your microbit*.

MakeCode Editor & Python Code Downloads:


Legacy Editors Code Downloads:

NOTE: The legacy editors will disappear at some undisclosed point in the future. The code can still be placed on a microbit and will run regardless but you won't be able to use an editor. When that happens, switch to using one of the currently supported editors. We've already made the switch as the new editors are better and more fully featured. * - To place the unzipped HEX file onto your microbit, connect your microbit to your computer via USB and then open File Explorer (Windows). Your microbit should show up as a removable drive. Simply drag and drop your HEX file onto the microbit in file explorer and the file will be transferred. The power light on the back of the microbit will start to flash, once the flashing stops the microbit is ready to run your code.  

Booklet Errata:

The current version of the BBC micro:bit booklet is 1.3. If you have version 1.1 then please see below for corrections made to the current version. On page 53 the pins for the analog write are in the wrong order. They should be Red, Green and Blue, not Green, Red and Blue as written.

Kitronik Inventors Kit Resources:

Exp No#. Experiment Name. Resource Type.
1 Say Hello to the BBC micro:bit. Further Help.
2 Pre V1.7 Using an LDR and analog inputs. Full Experiment + Further Help.
2 V1.7 Using a Light Sensor & analog inputs. Full Experiment + Further Help.
3 Dimming an LED using a potentiometer. Further Help.
4 Using a transistor to drive a motor. Full Experiment + Further Help.
5 Using the accelerometer to control motor speed. Further Help.
6 Setting the tone with a piezo buzzer. Further Help.
7 Wind Power. Full Experiment + Further Help.
8 Making a game using the compass. Further Help.
9 Capacitor charge circuit. Further Help.
10 Using an RGB LED. Further Help.
11 Making a pedestrian crossing. Full Experiment + Further Help.
12 Making a random dice. Full Experiment + Further Help.

Project shopping list

For this project you will need the following items, you can adjust the quantities (including setting them to zero if you don't need the item), before pressing the "Buy all items" button.

Kitronik Inventor's Kit for the BBC micro:bit
BBC micro:bit Starter Kit

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