Coding tutorials

Learn how to code with Kitronik. The resources include; free resources for Kitronik designed and manufactured products/kits and a wide variety of coded projects for you to try. The resources cover every ability level and span a wide variety of topics, including the BBC micro:bit. Everything from beginners guides to ambitious maker projects with a coding element.

Whats in the coding tutorials?

Learn how to code with Kitronik. The resources include; free resources for Kitronik designed and manufactured products/kits and a wide variety of coded projects for you to try. The resources cover every ability level and span a wide variety of topics, including the BBC micro:bit. Everything from beginners guides to ambitious maker projects with a coding element.

Whats in the coding tutorials?

Wirelessly Controlling the Pico ARP with the Mini Controller for Pico

Wirelessly Controlling the Pico ARP with the Mini Controller for Pico

Overview In this blog we are going to look at how to wirelessly control the Kitronik Autonomous Robotics Platform for Pico with the Kitronik Mini C...
Making a Cardboard Pico Drawing Robot Arm hero image

Making a Cardboard Pico Drawing Robot Arm

In this first blog of a series we are going to cover how we can create a drawing robot arm out of cardboard using three servos, a Raspberry Pi Pico and the Kitronik Simply Servos for Pico board. Then we’ll move onto how to use the DrawingRobot Python library we created for the Pico. Find out more...
Blog posts Making an Advanced Pico Drawing Robot Arm mountains

Making an Advanced Pico Drawing Robot Arm

In this blog we are going to cover how to improve on our Cardboard Pico Drawing Robot Arm. This will be done in three stages. In the first section we will upgrade the servos we use to construct the robot arm, as well as make our arm sturdier using pencils. In the second section we will learn how to draw images.
Pico Drawing Robot Arm Code Explanation

Pico Drawing Robot Arm Code Explanation

The biggest challenge behind making the Cardboard and Advanced drawing robot arms was figuring out how to move the arm to a specific position. This is needed so that we can use the line coordinates from our vectorised images to move the robot arm and draw the image. Find out more...
Add Line Following & More to the Simple Robotics Kit with Clippable Detector

Add Line Following & More to the Simple Robotics Kit with Clippable Detector

The Clippable detector board gives the ability to add sensory inputs to the BBC micro:bit. Within this blog, the Clippable Detector board will be used with the simple robotics kit to make it more versatile. Using phototransistor detectors it is possible to detect a line, light and objects. Find out more...
:MOVE Motor for microbit additional resources featured image

Additional Online Resources For :MOVE Motor For micro:bit

Free additional resources for the Kitronik :MOVE Motor for micro:bit. Work through each of the 6 tutorials to gain a full understanding of all of the features of :MOVE Motor. It's fun, it's hands-on, and you'll also learn a lot of interesting things along the way!

Level up your robotics game now!
Adding ZIP Hex LEDs To The Simple Robotics Buggy Kit

Adding ZIP Hex LEDs To The Simple Robotics Buggy Kit

Adding ZIP Hex LEDs to our Simple Robotics Kit is a great and easy way of adding indicator lights to your robot buggy. It's super simple, fun, and we've also included some code so you can get straight to play!
How To Add A Servo To The Simple Robotics Kit

How To Add A Servo To The Simple Robotics Kit

We show how to add a servo to the simple robotics kit. In keeping with the simple robotics kit, this is a solderless hack! At the heart of the simple robotics kit is the Klip Motor Driver for BBC microbit. The Klip Motor broad can drive 2 motors and has an integrated 3xAA battery pack. It also breaks out the 0,1 and 2 pins from the micro:bit.
Fairground Inspired Spinning Ring by Elsa Novak

Fairground Inspired Spinning Ring by Elsa Novak

Elsa Novak from Redhill Sixth Form joined us last week for work experience. Having completed this Fairground Project, she is here to tell you what her inspiration was for the project, how you can create your own version and her ideas to take this project even further.
Teachers Lesson Plans For ACCESS:bit For microbit

Teachers Lesson Plans For ACCESS:bit For microbit

Unlock your students potential with these 2 free Lesson Plans for our ACCESS:bit for the BBC microbit. Students will learn how to code the micro:bit to control an access barrier with these classroom-ready teaching resources.
Teachers Lesson Plans For STOP:bit For microbit

Teachers Lesson Plans For STOP:bit For microbit

Unlock your students potential with these 3 free Lesson Plans for our STOP:bit for the BBC microbit. Students will learn how to code traffic lights and pedestrian crossings with these classroom ready teaching resources.
Robotics Board London Eye & Turbine - BETT 2019 Part 5

Robotics Board London Eye & Turbine - BETT 2019 Part 5

The last in our Kitronik :city builds from Bett 2019 is the microbit and Robotics board controlled London Eye and Wind Turbine. Take a look behind the scenes at how we put it together. If you want to have a go at this yourself, all of the files you need are included within.
microbit Servo Driver Tower Bridge - BETT 2019 Part 4

microbit Servo Driver Tower Bridge - BETT 2019 Part 4

At the centre of our Kitronik :CITY layout we had at BETT 2019 was our microbit controlled model of Tower Bridge. The model featured our 16 servo driver board. We demonstrate how we made it and also how you can make one for yourself.
MOVE Mini Football Stadium - BETT 2019 Part 2

MOVE Mini Football Stadium - BETT 2019 Part 2

For part 2 of our microbit Kitronik:City build we breakdown the football stadium. Our new move mini football stadium got a lot of attention at BETT 2019, so we’ve put together a guide on how we made ours and how to make your own!
Distance Sensing With A microbit And HC-SR04 Module

Distance Sensing With A microbit And HC-SR04 Module

Distance sensing with the BBC microbit and a HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor is a fun and easy, this tutorial describes how to connect the sensor and write code.
Kitronik Christmas Fair - Bandstand and Stalls featured image

Kitronik Christmas Fair - Bandstand and Stalls

The Christmas Fair Bandstand and Stalls is the third and final model from our Christmas fair. This time showing how to make an animated display featuring figures. Just by using a servo, a microbit, and a tiny snippet of code.
Kitronik Christmas Fair - Stepper Ferris Wheel

Kitronik Christmas Fair - Stepper Ferris Wheel

This is the first model from our Christmas Fair, designed by Matt Moeser to show off the features of our new All-in-One Robotics Board. This solder-free model makes a great centrepiece to a Christmas diorama and shows off the robotics board's unique stepper motor coding blocks.
Pairing A microbit That's Attached To :MOVE mini

Pairing A microbit That's Attached To :MOVE mini

This is a short guide detailing pairing a microbit that's already attached to a :MOVE mini. If you forgot to pair it with your phone before completing assembly, then this is the guide for you! We'll show you that having an inaccessible reset button is not a problem.
Calibrating 360 Degree Servos For :MOVE mini

Calibrating 360 Degree Servos For :MOVE mini

This is a guide for calibrating 360-degree servos for use with :MOVE mini for the BBC microbit. To make the task a little easier we created a couple of custom blocks for the Microsoft MakeCode editor.
Development Of The Christmas Bells

Development Of The Christmas Bells

How we approached the development of the Christmas bells for our twelve makes of Christmas resource last December and our prototyping process.