How to Remove Solder - Kitronik University
Have you ever made a mistake soldering? Heard of solder wick but not sure how to use it? Or perhaps you've seen a solder sucker but not sure if it's the right tool for the job. Join Kevin as he shows you show to remove solder.
E-Textiles and Wearables Tutorials & Resources
This Kitronik University course is for anyone interested in E-Textiles and wearables. For those who don't know what electronic textiles are we cover all of the basics including elementary circuit design, and basic do's and don'ts when using conductive thread. If you're looking for something more advanced we have a range of tutorials for various of our Electro-Fashion components including our Igloo, PICAXE wearable module.
BBC micro:bit Emoji Bag - Kitronik University
This Kitronik University resource is part of the BBC micro:bit partnership and will be an in depth tutorial into making a BBC micro:bit emoji bag with your free sample kit. We are currently working on this project, it will be available later on this summer. In the meantime enjoy this sneak preview!
How to Make a Soft Tilt Switch Using Jewellery - Kitronik University
This Kitronik University course looks at making a slide switch using a piece of metal jewellery.
BBC micro:bit CAD Resources - Kitronik University
This Kitronik University resource is part of the BBC micro:bit partnership and features FREE downloadable CAD files in relation to the BBC micro:bit. These downloadable files are available in three different formats and have been made using Autodesk's Inventor Professional.
Websites with free 3D Printing models - Kitronik University
Thanks to the availability of 3D printers, there has been a sudden surge in websites hosting 3D printed models so anyone can make, download and ed...
Don't Steal my BBC micro:bit Alarm - Kitronik University
This is a simple tutorial demonstrating how to use the output pins on the micro:bit and use the built in accelerometer to control a buzzer when the micro:bit is moved.
BBC micro:bit 3D Printable Case - Kitronik University
This Kitronik University resource is part of the BBC micro:bit partnership and will show you how to 3D print your very own BBC micro:bit case. It has been produced in conjunction with our friends at Robox. We are currently working on this project, it will be available later on this summer. In the meantime enjoy this sneak preview!
BBC micro:bit - Kitronik University
This Kitronik University course is part of the BBC microbit partnership and covers aspects of the micro:bit including an overview of what it is, what our role is and of course tutorials to let you get started using it within Design & Technology and Science. Learn now!
Free E-Textiles Sample Packs - Kitronik University
This Kitronik University resource is part of the BBC micro:bit partnership and explains exactly what is included in the Kitronik BBC micro:bit partner free e-textiles sample pack.
BBC micro:bit our Role - Kitronik University
Kitronik is one of many partners working with the BBC on the BBC micro:bit project. Collectively the project will give every year 7 student a BBC micro:bit, but just as important as the hardware it will offer project ideas, resources, tutorials to allow teachers to deliver exciting curriculum based activities using the BBC micro:bit. At Kitronik we will be focusing on using the BBC micro:bit within D&T.
What is the BBC micro:bit? - Kitronik University
The BBC micro:bit is a pocket-sized computer that you can code, customise and control – simply switch it on and programme it to light up, sync with other devices, and make your very own BBC micro:bit ideas, games and apps come to life.
3D Printing - Kitronik University
This Kitronik University Course covers aspects of 3D Printing, including general FAQs such as the differences between types of filament, and Robox RBX-01 specific resources such as changing the print head, loading filament and more.
Kitronik University
Welcome to the Kitronik University. We've written lots of guides on topics ranging from understanding electronic principles, practical demonstrations around soldering, e-textiles resources and much more. We've split things into three topics called Learning, Teaching and Making in order to help you quickly find the course you need.
Electronics Skills - Kitronik University
This Kitronik University course will teach you some of the basic skills you need to become proficient in electronics.
Understanding Electronic Principles
This Kitronik University course features a series of guides explaining principles of electronics. You'll learn how to identify components and circuit symbols, how common components work and how to make important calculations such as resistors and capacitors in series and parallel.
Electronics Projects Tutorials - Kitronik University
This Kitronik University resource lists our Electronics Projects Tutorials. Some are made using our electronic project kits, whilst others are bui...
Working with Materials - Kitronik University
Have a question about our materials range? Not sure which materials can be used in which ways? This Kitronik University resource will help you whe...
How to clean and maintain your soldering iron - Kitronik University
Over time soldering iron tips accumulate old solder and other debris, this guide shows how best to clean the tip with a damp sponge or tip tinner / cleaner. There is an accompanying video tutorial, the tip cleaning guide is just part of wider collection of tutorials on using soldering irons.