Customer Notice (New Bluetooth App):
We have recently produced a new Google Play Store app called Kitronik Bluetooth Control. This Android app allows you to control a Kitronik Kitronik :MOVE mini buggy over Bluetooth. The new Kitronik Bluetooth Control app replaces our previous Android app that features in this resource. We suggest that you switch to this new app for a better and more consistent experience. See the links below for more details.
- Kitronik Bluetooth Control App - Google Play Store.
- Kitronik Bluetooth Control App - How to Guide.
This Resource:
To explain coding with the Microsoft MakeCode Editor we'll hand over to Martin Woolley. Martin not only wrote the code that we use for the remote controlled buggies, he also designed the Bluetooth profile for the BBC micro:bit. Over to you Martin...Controlling the Buggy:
The BBC micro:bit is plugged into the Kitronik buggy using its edge connector, in this case via the Kitronik Motor Driver Board that the microbit is plugged into. The edge connector is divided into several separate electrical ‘pins’. The micro:bit software can control whether a pin has a high electrical value or a low value. In digital terms, we can think of this as meaning on or off. The motors which control the wheels of the buggy can each, separately, be made to move forwards or backwards or to stop moving, just by setting the value of the right edge connector pins to the appropriate values. For more information on the Kitronik Motor Driver Board, download the Datasheet here. Pins all have a pin number which acts as an identifier so that we can indicate in our code, which pin’s value it is that we want to change. To control the buggy, we use pins 0, 8, 12 and 16. The table below shows how each are used and the effect that they have in different combinations.PIN 0 | PIN 8 | PIN 12 | PIN 16 | EFFECT |
OFF | OFF | OFF | OFF | The buggy is stationary |
OFF | OFF | ON | ON | Buggy drives forwards in a straight line |
ON | ON | OFF | OFF | Buggy drives backwards in a straight line |
OFF | OFF | ON | OFF | Buggy turns left in the forwards direction |
OFF | OFF | OFF | ON | Buggy turns right in the forwards direction |
OFF | ON | OFF | OFF | Buggy turns left in the backwards direction |
ON | OFF | OFF | OFF | Buggy turns right in the backwards direction |
The Microsoft MakeCode Editor:
To write the code which responds to Bluetooth events sent from the smartphone application and controls the motors which drive the buggy’s wheels, we’ll use Microsoft’s MakeCode code editor. You only need a web browser to use this tool and can access it at MakeCode is similar to the old Blocks editors but has a few more tricks up its sleeve, especially where Bluetooth is concerned. It provides a series of function blocks, organised into collections called ‘packages’. For example, there’s a Logic package, a Loops package and a Bluetooth package. Go to the MakeCode editor now. Click on and delete any blocks that get created automatically for you. The Bluetooth package is not available by default. So your first job is to add it. Click on More/Add Package and select microbit-bluetooth. You’ll get a message indicating that you cannot have both the Bluetooth package and the Radio package. Opt to delete the Radio package. It’s usual to begin by displaying a friendly and informative message on your micro:bit. From within the Basic package, click on the ‘show string’ block. Change its value to ‘Robot Wars’. When a smartphone application uses Bluetooth to exchange data with a micro:bit, it must first connect to the micro:bit. We need to reset variables relating to the buggy control pins when a new connection is established and (importantly!) we need to stop the buggy if the smartphone disconnects. This could happen if the smartphone and micro:bit were very far away from each other or if you were to exit the micro:bit Blue game controller application. If we didn’t take this action, your buggy would continue to move and you would not be able to control it!Coding With MakeCode:
Due to cosmetic changes to the MakeCode Editor, the screenshots below vary slightly in look to the blocks you will find in the editor. They still function in the same way. There is an embedded editor towards the foot of this page which shows all of the code as it looks currently. To open the code in the online MakeCode Editor, click the Edit icon in the top right. So, we make use of the ‘on bluetooth connected’ and ‘on bluetooth disconnected’ blocks from within the Bluetooth package. When a bluetooth connection is established by the smartphone, we also initialise a variable called ‘drive’ which we’ll use to keep track of whether or not the buggy is moving (0 = not moving) and if so, whether it’s going forwards (drive = 1) or backwards (drive = 2). When micro:bit Blue disconnects from the micro:bit, as you can see below, we write a value of zero to all the buggy control pins so that if it is moving, it stops. We’ll also display “C” when connected to and “D” when the smartphone disconnects. To indicate that we want to receive events from the smartphone application and create a place to put blocks which will respond to those events and set the pins that control our buggy, we use the ‘on event’ block which is in the Control package. Events have two parts to them; an ID which represents the overall type of event (think of events as having a family – the ID tells us which family of events we’re interested in) and a value, which is any number from 1 upwards. 0 is a special value which means ‘any’. MakeCode has lists of predefined event IDs and values we can use and we can create our own as well. An event ID of MES_DPAD_CONTROLLER_ID is the ID that all events sent by the micro:bit Blue game controller application will have. We’ve indicated through the special event value of MICROBIT_EVT_ANY that we want to handle all values of this family of events. There are 8 touch-enabled buttons in the game controller, 4 in the left-hand pad and 4 in the right-hand pad. In fact, we only use two buttons from each pad. We use the left and right buttons on the left-hand pad for steering and the up and down buttons on the right-hand pad for driving forwards or backwards. MakeCode has ready-made event value variables for our buttons and in fact has different event values for indicating that a button has been pressed (DOWN) or indicating that we’ve stopped touching a button we were previously pressing (UP).The event values we need to use are as follows:
MES_DPAD_BUTTON_1_DOWN | = | right hand pad, top button, pressed |
MES_DPAD_BUTTON_1_UP | = | right hand pad, top button, unpressed |
MES_DPAD_BUTTON_2_DOWN | = | right hand pad, bottom button, pressed |
MES_DPAD_BUTTON_2_UP | = | right hand pad, bottom button, unpressed |
MES_DPAD_BUTTON_C_DOWN | = | left hand pad, left button, pressed |
MES_DPAD_BUTTON_C_UP | = | left hand pad, left button, unpressed |
MES_DPAD_BUTTON_D_DOWN | = | left hand pad, right button, pressed |
MES_DPAD_BUTTON_D_UP | = | left hand pad, right button, unpressed |
Get The Code:
- You can download the code for the microbit buggy here.
- Alternatively, you can also grab the code from Bitty Software here.
Build A Robot Wars Buggy Learning Resources. | |
Part 1 - Intro. | What we did, why we did it and what we used. |
Part 2 - The Buggy. | It's all about the line following buggy, We used the buggy as is and attached custom parts. |
Part 3 - The Perspex Top Plate. | How we designed and cut the top plate, with alternative methods for those without laser cutters. |
Part 4 - The 3D printed Add-ons. | How we designed and 3D printed the add-ons, with alternative methods for those without 3D printers. |
Part 5 - Making The Flag. | Our design process for making the self righting flag. |
Part 6 - Coding with the Microsoft MakeCode Editor. | Beyond line following. Martin Woolley gives a very thorough breakdown of how he wrote the code for the Robot Buggies. Learn how! |
Part 7 - Bluetooth Buggy Control. | How to turn your Android device into a remote control for the buggy, including pairing instructions, Again, over to Martin Wooley. |
©Kitronik Ltd – You may print this page & link to it, but must not copy the page or part thereof without Kitronik's prior written consent.
Mark Donnison
Hi, on the page above there is a table that shows which pins need to be on or off to achieve travel in any direction. It shows that by turning on Pins 12 and 16 both motors will propel the buggy forwards and turning on just pins 0 and 8 will make the buggy travel backwards. The turns are executed in the code by turning just one wheel, either backwards or forwards to achieve a turn. If you look through the code in the PXT editor and use the table as you do so you will spot that the code matches the table and you should be able to see how to make the wheels turn in opposition. Pins 12 (forward) and 8 (backward) are one motor and pins 16 (forward) and 0 (backward) are the other motor. I hope this helps.
Sean A Guy
Hi! I was wondering how you would be able to code the buggy so that when rotating, one motor will move in the opposite direction to the other one therefore allowing it to rotate in a circle. Thanks!
Mark Donnison
Hi Fred, The original code is currently not available due to changes to the PXT editor that it was created in So, we've recreated the code as a download and we've updated the links in the above document.
Mark Donnison
Hi Fred, we've raised a ticket with the microbit foundation to see where the code has gone. We will update it as soon as we know.
Fred Fisher
This is great but could do with an update the PXT editor has now moves and is part of the BBC microbit site and the completed code is no longer available (well I couldn't find it anyway..) Thanks