What is Fluted Polypropylene (AKA Corrugated Plastic/Correx)
Fluted Polypropylene, also known as Corrugated Plastic & Correx, is a formidable material that you may be unfamiliar with. We intend to shed some light on it and show you why it is so useful. Get up to speed in less time than it takes to drink your coffee!
What Are Value Acrylic Sheets & What Can You Use Them For?
In today's world of daily rising raw materials prices, increased consumer prices are a reality that we are all now dealing with. If you manage a materials budget for a school, what do you do? Our Value range of cheap acrylic sheets might just be the answer. Find out if they are right for you.
What Is A Resistant Material?
When designing or building a project, making sure it is also robust enough is a key consideration. It may need to stand up to handling, collisions, the elements, and more. We're going to explore resistant properties and then take a look at a selection of materials to see what resistant properties they have.
Kitronik On GitHub - A Beginners Guide
Get to grips with GitHub, with this quick and simple beginner's guide. Learn how to make the most of the online repositories we set up for some of our in house products. Though primarily aimed at the Beginner, there is also information of value for the more experienced user. Find out more...
An Introduction To Microcontrollers - Ft. Raspberry Pi Pico and micro:bit
Microcontrollers; what are they, what do they do, and how do you use one? Using the Raspberry Pi Pico and BBC micro:bit for reference, we will answer all of these questions and more! Learn now!
What Is Cork And How Sustainable Is It?
Cork is the bark from Cork Oak trees, harvested from a living tree. Cork is such a versatile and environmentally friendly product that is a must for any maker environment/classroom. It's primary use is to produce wine corks, which are made from the best quality cork available. Cork is sustainable and 100% recyclable.
What Are Sustainable Materials?
Here at Kitronik, we are actively looking at how we can become more sustainable, both in terms of our own business and also in the products we sell. Materials are a key part of this. Let's explore sustainability and then some of our sustainable options.
What Is Lesson In A Box And Who Is It For
Kitronik Lesson in a Box has been developed with teachers for teachers, to be an all in one, fully prepared, reusable, and affordable teaching solution that can be used straight out of the box. Find out more!
What Is Laser MDF (Medium Density Fibreboard)?
MDF (Medium Density Fibreboard) is an engineered wood-based product that is used extensively in the construction and furniture/cabinet making industries, as well as the DIY and Maker markets. Its popularity has followed a steady upward slope since first being mass-produced in the 80s. Learn more...
What is Greencast® Acrylic?
Greencast® is the most sustainable acrylic in the world, and, it's available from Kitronik and is a laser grade material. Learn about how it's made, its properties, and how it can worked and used...
What Is Laser Plywood (laserply)?
Laser plywoods (laserply) are some of our most popular materials and that popularity seems to be growing. It is a material of choice for both schools and makers alike, as you can achieve stunning results relatively easily. It is also a cost-effective material that is perfect for making high-quality items such as enclosures. Find out more...
What Is Bamboo - and Side Pressed & Plain Pressed Explained
Bamboo clearly has a lot going for it. It's green, it's durable, and it can make a great replacement for traditional hardwoods. Find out what makes bamboo great and learn about the differences between side pressed and plain pressed sheets.
What Is Solar Power – an Enlightening Guide
The sun provides a huge potential source of energy for our planet. Average solar energy falling on the planet is around 1300 W/m2. This is roughly ...
Arduino - a Review of the Open-source Embedded Platform
What is Arduino? What do you need to get started with Arduino? What are the features of Arduino's hardware and software? What are the benefits of being open-source?
How A Power Supply Works
A guide to understanding how a power supply converts mains electricity in to low voltage DC supply. The tutorial covers both linear and switch mode power supplies.