
How To Make An Arduino® Based RFID Box Lock

How To Make An Arduino® Based RFID Box Lock

Please note: This document is just for reference as we no longer stock the RFID Read and Write Module.Alasdair Trench shows us how to make an Ardui...
Lasercut & Thermoformed Polypropylene Rose Lamp completed project

Lasercut & Thermoformed Polypropylene Rose Lamp

We're back with another project! This one is inspired by the beginning of Spring 2021, and features a couple of more advanced techniques. We've got all of the usual links to the materials and a free DXF download. The key to the whole build is the transparent polypropylene, it's amazing what applying some heat can do!
Live Tech Talk - Discovery Kit For Raspberry Pi Pico - Tues 20th April

Live Tech Talk - Discovery Kit For Raspberry Pi Pico - Tues 20th April

We're back, with a new Live Tech Talk on YouTube! This time we will be taking a look at our brand new Discovery Kit for the Raspberry Pi Pico. Already popular, the kit offers a great way to learn about microcontrollers, Python coding, and physical computing. 
Introducing The Kitronik Discovery Kit For Raspberry Pi Pico

Introducing The Kitronik Discovery Kit For Raspberry Pi Pico

Introducing the Kitronik Discovery Kit for Raspberry Pi Pico. What better way to get acquainted with the Pico micro-controller than via a Kitronik Discovery Kit! Complete the 7 included experiments and learn as you go. Learn about the board, basic coding, controlling devices, and also physical computing all in one kit.
Raspberry Pi Pico Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Raspberry Pi Pico Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

We've recently launched the new Discovery Kit for Raspberry Pi Pico board. As the board is relatively new most of us are still getting up to speed as to what the Pico can and can't do. We've included this FAQ to help to shed some light on the sorts of things you might want to know.
What is Greencast® Acrylic? all colours

What is Greencast® Acrylic?

Greencast® is the most sustainable acrylic in the world, and, it's available from Kitronik and is a laser grade material. Learn about how it's made, its properties, and how it can worked and used...
What Is Laser Plywood (laserply) plywoods in shelving

What Is Laser Plywood (laserply)?

Laser plywoods (laserply) are some of our most popular materials and that popularity seems to be growing. It is a material of choice for both schools and makers alike, as you can achieve stunning results relatively easily. It is also a cost-effective material that is perfect for making high-quality items such as enclosures. Find out more...
Learn To Use The micro:bit... Without A micro:bit

Learn To Use The micro:bit... Without A micro:bit

Are you locked down in a different location to your micro:bit? Do you normally only use one at school? Or, maybe you haven't got around to getting one yet. Good news! You can learn without one! This guide is aimed at the beginner that wants to learn but who doesn't have access to a micro:bit. 
Easter 2021 Project Ideas For The Laser Cutter

Easter 2021 Project Ideas For The Laser Cutter

Spring will soon be sprung and that means that Easter 2021 is just around the corner. Which also means we have another excuse to fire up the laser cutter! We've rustled up a couple of nice project ideas for Easter that you can make as is or tweak to taste! Materials suggestions and free DXF file downloads included.
Live Tech Talk - Compact Motor Driver/Robotics boards - Mon 22nd Feb

Live Tech Talk - Compact Motor Driver/Robotics Boards - Mon 22nd Feb

The team at Kitronik are back with another Live Tech Talk. Following on from last months 5 Tech Talks, this time we will be looking at our range of Kitronik Compact Motor Driver boards. Kevin and Alasdair will go through each of the boards in turn and discuss features, uses and other related information.
Bamboo Sheet Facts & Side Pressed and Plain Pressed Explained

What Is Bamboo - and Side Pressed & Plain Pressed Explained

Bamboo clearly has a lot going for it. It's green, it's durable, and it can make a great replacement for traditional hardwoods. Find out what makes bamboo great and learn about the differences between side pressed and plain pressed sheets. 
Valentines 2021 Project Ideas For The Laser Cutter

Valentines 2021 Project Ideas For The Laser Cutter

Valentines 2021, we might be all but confined to base this year but if you're lucky enough to still have access to a laser cutter, we've got some great idea starters for you. We've got a full set of place mats, coasters, napkin rings, and drink stirrers. It's all here! As always, there are free dxf files that you can take straight to the laser cutter. 

What Is Solar Power – an Enlightening Guide

What Is Solar Power – an Enlightening Guide

The sun provides a huge potential source of energy for our planet. Average solar energy falling on the planet is around 1300 W/m2. This is roughly ...
Important Customer BREXIT Ordering Information

Important Customer BREXIT Ordering Information

As Kitronik is located in the UK and from January 2021 the UK is no longer part of the EU. Therefore, for European customers there will be a few changes around the way you receive orders from us. Whilst you won’t need to worry about the paperwork as we have that in hand you should be aware that any orders shipped from January 2021 will be shipped without any UK VAT. 
Green Energy - Adding a Solar Panel to the Kitronik Smart Greenhouse

Green Energy - Adding a Solar Panel to the Kitronik Smart Greenhouse

Greenhouses are used for growing plants. Plant rely on an amount of sunlight to grow, and so we can also use some of this sunlight to power the con...
Online MakeCode Tutorials For The Kitronik Greenhouse Kit main image

Online MakeCode Tutorials For The Kitronik Greenhouse Kit

We have created a series of online MakeCode tutorials to introduce you to the features of the Environmental control board. The environmental control board sits at the heart of our Smart Greenhouse Kit. It contains all of the features needed to build a fully automated growing system.
Kitronik Design And Technology Flyer Winter/Spring 2021

Kitronik Design And Technology Flyer Winter/Spring 2021

The Design and Technology winter Flyer 2021 is now out and should be landing soon. We've also uploaded a pdf version here that you can access while you wait for your hard copy. All you need is an internet connection and browser. View it anytime, anywhere. Find out more...
kitronik tech talks

Kitronik Live Tech Talks 18th - 22nd Jan 2021

In place of going to BETT this year we will instead be streaming a range of online workshops and talks and we would love for you all to join us. They will take place between 18th and 22nd of January and will be centered around our range of products. Find out more...
bringing in 2021 with Kitronik

Bringing In The New Year With Kitronik

We hope that you all had a good break over the Christmas and New Year period. Although it's been a challenging year, to say the least, the rest was...
Laser Cut Perspex® Sweet Pastels Memory Stick Cases main image

Laser Cut Perspex® Sweet Pastels Memory Stick Cases

These laser cut Perspex® sweet pastels memory stick cases might just be the tastiest maker resource we've ever put together. See how we made ours and grab our files so you can make your own. Just add materials and a laser cutter!