February Is Learn Something New Every Day Month At Kitronik

Blow out the cobwebs and learn something new every day with us! For the month of February, we are going to share different resources across all of the available weekdays. They will be shared via Facebook and Twitter at 7:30 AM.

We've tried to cover as much Kitronik ground as possible, with resources spanning; materials technology, electronic principles, microcontrollers, components, general information, and more. All but one of the resources have also been PDF'd for your convenience, the links to the PDFs can be found in the individual resources. 


Learn Something New Every Day Month At Kitronik:

For those that can't wait, the entire list of included resources can be found in the table below.  We're sure that most will be able to find several things of interest from the list, let us know if you can't, we'll try harder next time!

If you have any further information to share on any of the subjects covered, be sure to reply to the social media posts with any links you have, we want to learn too!


Learn something new - resources list:

Resource PDF? Link
What are... Value cheep Acrylic sheets and what can they be used for? Yes Link
What is... A Microcontroller? Yes Link
What is... Ohm's Law? Yes Link
What is... an electric motor? Yes Link
What is... a Darlington Pair Transistor? Yes Link
What is... a Servo? Yes Link
What is... a Potential/Voltage Divider? Yes Link
What is... Cork? Yes Link
What is... a Logic Gate? Yes Link
What is... Greencast Acrylic? Yes Link
What is... Lesson in a box? Yes Link
What is... Solar power? Yes Link
What is... the BBC micro:bit? No Link
What is... a Thermistor? Yes Link
What is... laser plywood? Yes Link
What is... an integrated circuit? Yes Link
What is... a resistant material? Yes Link
What is... a Transistor? Yes Link
What is... Sustainability? Yes Link
What is... Bamboo? Yes Link


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