Kitronik Craft and Code for BBC micro:bit Assets Page
We created this page as a one-stop shop for downloadable assets, online assets, and links for our Craft and Code board for BBC micro:bit. Any future assets will also be added to this page, so getting to what you need is as straightforward as possible. Learn more...
Announcing Kitronik Craft and Code for micro:bit
We are excited to announce the launch of our newest product for the classroom, the Kitronik Craft & Code board. Available as a single-pack and Lesson in a Box. Find out how it can help you in the classroom! Find out more...
Kitronik Craft & Code Single Pack - Booklet Answers
Booklet answers for the Kitronik Craft & Code single pack. We’ve sorted the answers into page numbers and hidden them - once you’re ready you can click on the question to reveal the answer!! Find out more...
Using the micro:bit edge-connector with MakeCode Arcade
Getting to grips with the Kitronik Klaw, BBC micro:bit, and MakeCode!
The Primary Teachers' next gen guide to teaching with the micro:bit
Online Teaching and Learning Resources for the LAB:bit for BBC micro:bit
The Kitronik LAB:bit for the BBC microbit offers a super fun way for children aged 8+ to learn about coding in an engaging and hands-on way. It's backed by online MakeCode tutorials, simplified custom blocks, and a detailed getting started guide. Let's take a look at each of the resources available...
10 micro:bit Products & Resources Suitable for Children Aged 8+
How-To Make a Custom Football Pitch for :MOVE Motor
Add Line Following & More to the Simple Robotics Kit with Clippable Detector
Tech Talk - micro:bit Python Editor - Thurs 9th of March at 10:30AM GMT
micro:bit Multitasking with MakeCode
Kitronik Bluetooth Control App - How to Guide
How to Create a Reaction Game for HaloHD for micro:bit with EduBlocks
The Beginners Guide To The New micro:bit Python Editor
How To Create A Reaction Game For The :GAME ZIP 64 And BBC micro:bit
A Pirate Ship for the LAB:bit for BBC micro:bit
Isabelle from The Fernwood School joined us recently for a weeks work experience, and was tasked with creating a set of Fairground rides to complement the LAB:Bit. Her brief was to create some designs that could be made in a KS2 classroom using cardboard, glue and sticky tape. Here is what she came up with: