
Online Tutorial - Pico Smart Air Quality Board - Using the BME688 Sensor

Online Tutorial - Pico Smart Air Quality Board - Using the BME688 Sensor

The BME688 sensor provides the main functionality of the board: measuring air quality and climate data which the Pico can then access and read. Learn how use the sensor to gather and monitor readings with the Raspberry Pi Pico.
Online Tutorial - Pico Smart Air Quality Board - OLED and RTC

Online Tutorial - Pico Smart Air Quality Board - OLED and RTC

The Pico has a number of built-in features beyond just having lots of pins for controlling and communicating with external devices, and one of these is the real-time clock (RTC). Learn how to make use of the boards RTC and OLED display.
Online Tutorial – Pico Smart Air Quality Board – Buzzer, Buttons and ZIP LEDs

Online Tutorial – Pico Smart Air Quality Board – Buzzer, Buttons and ZIP LEDs

The Smart Air Quality board for Raspberry Pi Pico has two buttons which can be used as inputs to control the program which is running. There is also a buzzer, which is great for adding audio output to projects. We are going to introduce both of these in this section of the tutorial.
Online Tutorial - Pico Smart Air Quality Board - Data Logging

Online Tutorial - Pico Smart Air Quality Board - Data Logging

One of the main functions the Pico Smart Air Quality Board is designed for is data capture and logging. In this tutorial we will be taking that information and saving it to a file on the Pico.
Online Tutorial – Pico Smart Air Quality Board – Analogue Input and Output Control

Online Tutorial – Pico Smart Air Quality Board – Analogue Input and Output Control

Learn how to connect, control and monitor external sensors to the Kitronik Air Quality Data-logging Board for the Raspberry Pi Pico. This guide contains a full description of the process and code required.
Online Tutorial - Autonomous Robotics Platform for Pico - Using the Motors

Online Tutorial - Autonomous Robotics Platform for Pico - Using the Motors

Learn how to write code to take control of the motors on the Kitronik Autonomous Robotics for Raspberry Pi Pico (Pico-ARP). Learn how to get the wheels turning, at the same speed, and how to turn your Pico-ARP into a drawing bot.
Online Tutorial - Autonomous Robotics Platform for Pico - Buzzer, Button and Lights

Online Tutorial - Autonomous Robotics Platform for Pico - Buzzer, Button and Lights

Learn to code the additional features of the Kitronik Autonomous Robotics platform for Raspberry Pi Pico. Take control of the Pico-ARP Buzzer, button, & Lights. The resource contains code and a full walk-through of how it works.
Online Tutorial – Autonomous Robotics Platform for Pico - Using the Line Following Sensors

Online Tutorial – Autonomous Robotics Platform for Pico - Using the Line Following Sensors

Learn how to take control of the line following sensors on the Kitronik Autonomous Robotics Platform for the Raspberry Pi Pico. Work through this resource and learn how to add line following to your buggy.
Online Tutorial - Autonomous Robotics Platform for Pico - Using the Ultrasonic Sensor

Online Tutorial - Autonomous Robotics Platform for Pico - Using the Ultrasonic Sensor

Learn how to add distance sensing and obstacle avoidance to the Kitronik Autonomous Robotics Platform for Pico. The buggy is supplied with a distance sensor, learn how to add more autonomy to your robot with this guide.
Online Tutorial – Autonomous Robotics Platform for Pico - Using the Servo connections

Online Tutorial – Autonomous Robotics Platform for Pico - Using the Servo connections

The ARP has 4 servo connections. These can be used to control standard hobby servos. The servo connectors are located 2 towards the rear of the ARP, just outside the motors, and 2 towards the front, by the ultrasonic connector. Learn how to set up and code for the servos to enhance your robotics project.
First steps with the Raspberry Pi Pico and Thonny.

First steps with the Raspberry Pi Pico and Thonny.

The Pico can be programmed in a number of languages. This guide is for MicroPython – a Python implementation for micro controllers, and uses the Thonny editor. This guide provides everything you need to know to get going with Pico and MicroPython.
Live Data Logging - Discovery Kit For Raspberry Pi Pico Extension Exp 3

Live Data Logging - Discovery Kit For Raspberry Pi Pico Extension Exp 3

This is part of a series to create a Data logger on the Pico. It assumes that the user has completed the Pico Discovery Kit, and both the additional ‘Pico Thermometer’ and ‘Storing Data on the Pico’ resourcesThis is the third of several extension experiments for the Discovery kit that will only be available online.
Storing Data - Discovery Kit For Raspberry Pi Pico Extension Exp 2

Storing Data - Discovery Kit For Raspberry Pi Pico Extension Exp 2

This resource is part of a series to create a Data logger on the Pico. It assumes that the user has completed the Kitronik Discovery Kit for Raspberry Pi Pico. It is intended to be completed after the Pico Thermometer resource, but this is not essential. 
Pico Thermometer - Discovery Kit For Raspberry Pi Pico Extension Exp 1

Pico Thermometer - Discovery Kit For Raspberry Pi Pico Extension Exp 1

This is the first of several extension experiments for the Discovery kit that will only be available online. Learn how to read the onboard temperature sensor and understand the conversion from Voltage to ADC.
An Introduction To Microcontrollers - Ft. Raspberry Pi Pico and micro:bit

An Introduction To Microcontrollers - Ft. Raspberry Pi Pico and micro:bit

Microcontrollers; what are they, what do they do, and how do you use one? Using the Raspberry Pi Pico and BBC micro:bit for reference, we will answer all of these questions and more! Learn now!
Using MicroPython With The Kitronik Motor Driver Boards for Raspberry Pi Pico

Using MicroPython With The Kitronik Motor Driver Boards for Raspberry Pi Pico

We've recently launched two motor driver boards for the Raspberry Pi Pico, the Kitronik Motor Driver Board and the Kitronik Robotics Board. We've also just created a GutHub repository for each board with MicroPython example code to make the job of using the boards as simple as possible. Find out more...
Using CircuitPython With The Kitronik Motor Driver Boards for Raspberry Pi Pico

Using CircuitPython With The Kitronik Motor Driver Boards for Raspberry Pi Pico

We've recently launched two motor driver boards for the Raspberry Pi Pico, the Kitronik Motor Driver Board and the Kitronik Robotics Board. We've also just created a GutHub repository for each board with CircuitPython example code to make the job of using the boards as simple as possible. Find out more...
A practical Guide to Modules, Micro Python and the Raspberry Pi Pico

A practical Guide to Modules, Micro Python and the Raspberry Pi Pico

A practical guide to Modules, Micro python and the Raspberry Pi Pico. Python is a language that allows you to organise your code into sections easily. At its most basic, this is the writing of a function, where code can be called from your main program multiple times. Visit the guide for more information.
Raspberry Pi Pico Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Raspberry Pi Pico Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

We've recently launched the new Discovery Kit for Raspberry Pi Pico board. As the board is relatively new most of us are still getting up to speed as to what the Pico can and can't do. We've included this FAQ to help to shed some light on the sorts of things you might want to know.