Using the micro:bit edge-connector with MakeCode Arcade
Full micro:bit edge connector support has now been added to the MakeCode Arcade editor. To highlight this, Jake from our Dev team has put together a code example to demonstrate the functionality of the micro:bit IO under Makecode Arcade. The demonstration involves a modification of the “jumpy platformer” example. Learn how...
Getting to grips with the Kitronik Klaw, BBC micro:bit, and MakeCode!
For the budding Roboteer, learning how to add and control actuators is a key skill. In this guide, we are going to take a look at our servo driven Klaw actuator and show you how to control it via code. Find out more...
How-To Make a Custom Football Pitch for :MOVE Motor
Some of you may have seen a version of this football pitch at the Rome Maker Faire 2023, or this exact pitch at SETT 2023. Today, we’re showing you how it’s made so that you can make your own! Perfect for a tiny game of robot football with our :MOVE Motors! Find out more...
Add Line Following & More to the Simple Robotics Kit with Clippable Detector
The Clippable detector board gives the ability to add sensory inputs to the BBC micro:bit. Within this blog, the Clippable Detector board will be used with the simple robotics kit to make it more versatile. Using phototransistor detectors it is possible to detect a line, light and objects. Find out more...
micro:bit Multitasking with MakeCode
In this blog we are going to look at how we can multitask on the BBC micro:bit with MakeCode. In our example we used the Kitronik HaloHD to visually indicate the micro:bit running two different tasks at the same time. Learn more...
Kitronik Bluetooth Control App - How to Guide
At Kitronik we have recently released a Google Play Store app called Kitronik Bluetooth Control. This Android app allows you to control a Kitronik :MOVE mini buggy over Bluetooth. In this blog we will learn how to code and setup your micro:bit to be controlled using the app. Learn more...
How to Create a Reaction Game for HaloHD for micro:bit with EduBlocks
Hello, I am Luke from Aquinas College. I have always enjoyed the challenge of writing software and learning about how technology can solve real-world problems. Kitronik allowed me to experience this by allowing me to create an extension for their HaloHD product for the micro:bit and to use it to create a game.
How To Create A Reaction Game For The :GAME ZIP 64 And BBC micro:bit
Hana from Kesteven and Grantham Girls School shows you how to build a reaction game using the Kitronik :GAME ZIP 64 for microbit; there are six stages that have been made to help guide your learning and construct your coding confidence! So, with that in mind, let's get learning.
A Pirate Ship for the LAB:bit for BBC micro:bit
Isabelle from The Fernwood School joined us recently for a weeks work experience, and was tasked with creating a set of Fairground rides to complement the LAB:Bit. Her brief was to create some designs that could be made in a KS2 classroom using cardboard, glue and sticky tape. Here is what she came up with:
Simple Servo Control Board for micro:bit Getting Started Guide
Everything you need to know to get up and running fast with the Simple servo control board for BBC micro:bit by Kitronik. To open up this board to children of all ages Kitronik has produced some simple to use custom blocks for the Microsoft MakeCode editor.
Learn To Use The micro:bit... Without A micro:bit
Are you locked down in a different location to your micro:bit? Do you normally only use one at school? Or, maybe you haven't got around to getting one yet. Good news! You can learn without one! This guide is aimed at the beginner that wants to learn but who doesn't have access to a micro:bit.
Online MakeCode Tutorials For The Kitronik Greenhouse Kit
We have created a series of online MakeCode tutorials to introduce you to the features of the Environmental control board. The environmental control board sits at the heart of our Smart Greenhouse Kit. It contains all of the features needed to build a fully automated growing system.
How To Update HEX Files To micro:bit V2 Universal HEX
We're going to show you how to easily update your micro:bit V1 HEX files to micro:bit V2 Universal HEX files. The good news; there are no code changes required! These 4 simple steps will only take a few seconds. If only all change was this straightforwards! Let's get to it.
Free Online MakeCode Tutorials For STOP:bit for micro:bit
We would like to introduce four new free online MakeCode tutorials for STOP:bit for micro:bit. Learn how to write code for STOP:bit from directly w...
Additional Online Resources For Kitronik Alarm Clock Kit
The Kitronik ZIP Halo HD for micro:bit provides the perfect platform for learning about creating time-based projects that also feature light and so...
Additional Online Resources For :MOVE Motor For micro:bit
Free additional resources for the Kitronik :MOVE Motor for micro:bit. Work through each of the 6 tutorials to gain a full understanding of all of the features of :MOVE Motor. It's fun, it's hands-on, and you'll also learn a lot of interesting things along the way!
Level up your robotics game now!
Level up your robotics game now!
How To Make a Kitronik ZIP Tile For microbit Gamer
In this resource, we show you how we turned a Kitronik ZIP Tile, and a BBC micro:bit into a portable retro gamer. The ZIP tile is perfect for some ...
10 Projects a Beginner Can Do With a BBC micro:bit
In this beginners guide to the BBC microbit we showcase 10 simple projects that can be completed without connecting anything extra to the micro:bit. From displaying your name to counting your steps there's a wide range of ideas to get you started.
The microbit User Guide For Absolute Beginners
This beginners microbit user guide is a no frills, straight to the point, collection of essential knowledge. It’s not everything you need to know, but everything up to step 5 is everything you need to know right now.
Adding ZIP Hex LEDs To The Simple Robotics Buggy Kit
Adding ZIP Hex LEDs to our Simple Robotics Kit is a great and easy way of adding indicator lights to your robot buggy. It's super simple, fun, and we've also included some code so you can get straight to play!