
Kiss Cut Lettering with a Laser Cutter
'Kiss cutting' is a different laser technique that lightly engraves a surface, but the laser doesn't follow a raster pattern, it follows a cut line. 'Kiss cutting' is especially useful for engraving lettering. Find out more...

Creating Shades In Laser Engraving Using ‘Scan Gap’
Emma shows you how to get more from laser engraving with Scan Gap Engraving is a medium that relies heavily on contrast between the base material and engraved surface. I've been looking to find ways to use the settings artistically and so far, I have found the most artistic possibility with the “scan gap” function.

Pepper’s Ghost - Using “Holograms” in your makes!
Exploring interesting concepts from various areas of design and technology is one of the best things about making new projects. Today, Emma pulls inspiration from Victorian theatres and Theme Park dark rides to make a tiny demonstration of the Pepper’s Ghost effect!

How To Make A Custom LED Picture Frame
Emma shows you how to make a custom LED picture frame, using our LED picture frame kit. Although there is quite a sizable parts list, the step by step instructions should make it a breeze. As always, the DXF file is freely downloadable and can be used as is, or tweaked to suit your needs.

Perspex Sweet Pastels Retro-style Radio Enclosure for our Stereo Amplifier Kit
Emma shows you how to make a laser cut retro-style-radio enclosure for our Stereo Amplifier Kit with Perspex Sweet Pastels acrylic. You can make this enclosure with any acrylic you want but we think that for the best results possible, the Sweet Pastels range is the way to go.

Egg And Brushing Timer Enclosure For The Kitronik Timer Kit
Emma shows you how to make a egg timer enclosure for the Kitronik timer kit, don't give this the brush off as there's an optional teeth cleaning design too! Follow along and make your own!

Custom Laser Cut Enclosure For Kitronik Steady Hand Game Project Kit (with Latch)
When building a project kit, such as our Steady Hand Kit, having an attractive and sturdy case to house it makes the outcome that much more rewarding. Emma's been back on the laser cutter and has produced this rather fetching custom enclosure.

Starry Mood Light Enclosure For Kitronik Round USB LED Lamps
Emma has designed these fantastic starry custom enclosures for our Kitronik Round RGB USB LED Board and Kitronik Round White USB LED Board. All of the files needed are available as a free download, for you to use or customise.

Making Custom Rubber Stamps With Green ECO Laser Compatible Rubber
For those times when only a rubber stamp will do... Emma to the rescue. Make your own custom rubber stamps made from ECO laser rubber and Bamboo and you can stamp things in an environmentally friendly way.

Laser Cut Santa Stop Here Edge Lit Sign - Christmas 2021
Christmas is now just around the corner but there's still plenty of time for making. Emma's been back on the laser cutter to produce something for you to have a go at. All you'll need is some acrylic and a Kitronik USB RGB LED strip.and you're good to go.

How To Make A Pixel Clock With Value Acrylic
Take a break from the hi-res courtesy of this Pixel Clock made from our value range of cheap acrylic sheets. This make is easy to make and will look great on your desk on a shelf in your workspace. As always, the DXF files are downloadable for free. Use them to make your own or as the basis for your own designs!

Cat On The Moon Value Acrylic Edge Lit Sign - Halloween 2021
Happy Spooky Season everyone! Emma's back with another edge-lit project for you all, using our brand new USB RGB LED Strip! We've made this from our clear value value range of cheap acrylic sheets but you can use whatever you have to hand. We've found that clear works best for these types of signs, especially when used with an RGB light source.

Laser Cut Sign for our New USB RGB LED Strip
With the release of a new LED strip, we have created a new casing to allow you to make edge-lit designs for it! This blog will cover the base itself, then the Retrowave-style edge lit design.

Kitronik Cafe: Sustainability in Maker Projects Ft. Cork & Bamboo
Emma put together two very simple resource ideas for bamboo and cork, using only a laser cutter! As always, we've included free downloads of our DXF designs. Both materials are regarded as prime examples of sustainable materials as the same trees/plants can be harvested time and time again. find out more!

Making A Custom Clock Face With Laser Engraving Laminate Sheets
Emma details how to make a custom clock face for our Quartz Clock Mechanisms with laser engraving laminate sheets. Making custom clock faces is always fun and you can end up with some really great outcomes. We've provided our design that you can download for free and we've also included a list of the materials we used.

Custom Enclosure For The Kitronik Smart Greenhouse Kit
Emma shows you how to make a custom enclosure for the Kitronik smart greenhouse kit for the BBC micro:bit. Maybe you want to grow a taller crop or maybe you just fancy having the kit sit in something that looks like a traditional greenhouse kit. Whatever your reasons, we've got you covered!

How To Make A Transparent Custom Amplifier Case
Emma shows you how to make a custom case for one of our high powered stereo amplifier kits. This howto comes complete with a list of the items that we used and a free DXF download so you can get to work straight away. We chose to use a transparent orange Perspex sheet, but any transparent acrylic will work.

Make Laser Cut Perspex Custom Football Glasses
Emma shows us how she made some custom football glasses from a couple of Perspex sheets. It requires very few materials and is super simple to do. We've provided a list of the materials we used and a free DXF download.

Lasercut & Thermoformed Polypropylene Rose Lamp
We're back with another project! This one is inspired by the beginning of Spring 2021, and features a couple of more advanced techniques. We've got all of the usual links to the materials and a free DXF download. The key to the whole build is the transparent polypropylene, it's amazing what applying some heat can do!

Easter 2021 Project Ideas For The Laser Cutter
Spring will soon be sprung and that means that Easter 2021 is just around the corner. Which also means we have another excuse to fire up the laser cutter! We've rustled up a couple of nice project ideas for Easter that you can make as is or tweak to taste! Materials suggestions and free DXF file downloads included.