
Robotics Board London Eye & Turbine - BETT 2019 Part 5

Robotics Board London Eye & Turbine - BETT 2019 Part 5

The last in our Kitronik :city builds from Bett 2019 is the microbit and Robotics board controlled London Eye and Wind Turbine. Take a look behind the scenes at how we put it together. If you want to have a go at this yourself, all of the files you need are included within.
microbit Servo Driver Tower Bridge - BETT 2019 Part 4

microbit Servo Driver Tower Bridge - BETT 2019 Part 4

At the centre of our Kitronik :CITY layout we had at BETT 2019 was our microbit controlled model of Tower Bridge. The model featured our 16 servo driver board. We demonstrate how we made it and also how you can make one for yourself.
Klimate, microbit and ZIP Halo Big Ben - BETT 2019 Part 3

Klimate, microbit and ZIP Halo Big Ben - BETT 2019 Part 3

For part 3 of our microbit Kitronik:City build for Bett 2019 we take a look at Big Ben. Our Big Ben model is the largest on the Kitronik :CITY layout we had at BETT. In this behind the scenes, we’ll look at how we made it and how to use the new Klimate environment sensor board for BBC microbit in your own projects.
MOVE Mini Football Stadium - BETT 2019 Part 2

MOVE Mini Football Stadium - BETT 2019 Part 2

For part 2 of our microbit Kitronik:City build we breakdown the football stadium. Our new move mini football stadium got a lot of attention at BETT 2019, so we’ve put together a guide on how we made ours and how to make your own!
How we made Kitronik :CITY - BETT 2019 Part 1

How we made Kitronik :CITY - BETT 2019 Part 1

We had a great time at BETT 2019, and loved the feedback on our microbit Kitronik :CITY display! This week we’ll be showing a behind the scenes of how we made it and how you can make each building on the layout for yourself.
Getting Started With Scratch For microbit

Getting Started With Scratch For microbit

Learn how to get up and running with Scratch for microbit. Scratch is probably the most well known and widely used platforms for learning to code.  Since version 3, it's appeal has widened further as it now has native support for the micro:bit!
Distance Sensing With A microbit And HC-SR04 Module

Distance Sensing With A microbit And HC-SR04 Module

Distance sensing with the BBC microbit and a HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor is a fun and easy, this tutorial describes how to connect the sensor and write code.
Design And Technology Products Spring 2019 Update

Design And Technology Products Spring 2019 Update

The Design And Technology Products Spring 2019 update is now out and should be landing in your school soon. We've also uploaded a digital version that you can access while you wait for your hard copy.
STEM Products Spring 2019 Update Flyer

STEM Products Spring 2019 Update Flyer

The STEM Products Spring 2019 update is now out and should be landing in your school in the very near future. We've also uploaded a digital version that you can access while you wait for your hard copy.
Kitronik Are Going To BETT 2019 23 - 26 January Stand C423

Kitronik Are Going To BETT 2019 23 - 26 January Stand C423

BETT 2019 is almost here and we couldn't be more excited. Not only will we be there we also have a collection of great things to show you! We love to meet up with and chat with Educators, so if you are going, please stop by stand C423 and have a chat and see what we've been up to.
Merry Christmas And Happy New Year 2018/2019

Merry Christmas And Happy New Year 2018/2019

We would like to take some time out to wish all of our friends a Merry Christmas And Happy New Year. It's been a great year for us and all of our friends have been an integral part of making that happen. So, as well as wishing you all the best we would also like to say a big thank you!
Kitronik Christmas Fair - Bandstand and Stalls featured image

Kitronik Christmas Fair - Bandstand and Stalls

The Christmas Fair Bandstand and Stalls is the third and final model from our Christmas fair. This time showing how to make an animated display featuring figures. Just by using a servo, a microbit, and a tiny snippet of code.
New Product News Fischertechnik STEM Packs

New Product News Fischertechnik STEM Packs

We've got something super exciting to share with you this week, Fischertechnik STEM Packs are now available from Kitronik! At the time of writing, we have 9 new lines with more to follow.
Kitronik Christmas Fair - ZIP LED Helter Skelter featured image

Kitronik Christmas Fair - ZIP LED Helter Skelter

This is the second model from our Christmas fair, this time showing off our ZIP LEDs and how the Halo can be used to drive a whole RGB LED chain.
Kitronik Christmas Fair - Stepper Ferris Wheel

Kitronik Christmas Fair - Stepper Ferris Wheel

This is the first model from our Christmas Fair, designed by Matt Moeser to show off the features of our new All-in-One Robotics Board. This solder-free model makes a great centrepiece to a Christmas diorama and shows off the robotics board's unique stepper motor coding blocks.
:KLEF Piano For BBC microbit Free Case Resources

:KLEF Piano For BBC microbit Free Case Resources

The :KLEF Piano for the BBC microbit features all you need to both unlock your inner Bach and to provide you with some fun coding challenges. The first step in fully realising your micro:symphony is an inspiring instrument to play it on!
Using MicroPython With Kitronik BBC micro:bit Products

Using MicroPython With Kitronik BBC micro:bit Products

If you've bought any of our more recent BBC micro:bit products and were also wondering how to make the switch from Blocks to Python, we've got you covered. We have example code for five of our recent products that you can use and also learn from.
Maker Faire Rome 2018 - An Overview

Maker Faire Rome 2018 - An Overview

The Kitronik crew, consisting of myself (Ben) and company director Geoff, were fortunate enough to be asked to join our distributors at Digi-Key at Maker Faire Rome 2018. Wanting to impress we put in a lot of work before hand on our set up, which can be seen in our blog post "All roads lead to Maker Faire Rome".
Kitronik Press Release Archive

Kitronik Press Release Archive

The Kitronik Press Release Archive lists our online press coverage by year. Read all about Kitronik products and milestones as reported online.
All Roads Lead To Rome Maker Faire 2018

All Roads Lead To Rome Maker Faire 2018

All Roads Lead To Rome Maker Faire 2018. We headed to Rome this weekend for the Rome Maker Fair 2018. But first, we need to build a new track. Check it out!