BBC micro:bit - Kitronik University

BBC microbit - Kitronik University This Kitronik University course is part of the BBC microbit partnership and covers aspects of the micro:bit including an overview of what it is, what our role is and of course tutorials to let you get started using it within Design & Technology and Science. If you want to learn more about the micro:bit, as a new user or a more experienced one, this is the place to be. The tutorials cover the very basics all the way up to robotics and more. Wearables, physical computing, hacking games for micro:bit control, controlling connected electronics, driving motors and actuators, there is something here for everyone! This course is still being written so check back regularly, or subscribe to our newsletter to be kept informed of updates.

BBC microbit _logo_870

Course Contents:


BBC micro:bit Overview:


microbit Coding Editors:


Getting Started With The BBC microbit:


The new microbit V2:

The new micro:bit V2 is now available and Kitronik is on the case with resource creation.


Mobile Device Apps:

  • Please Note: We have removed our :MOVE App from the Google Apps website. If you already have the App installed, you may find that it will become unstable/unreliable or it may even stop working completely over time.

    This resource has been left online for information purposes only. Sorry for any inconvenience that this may cause.


MicroPython Example Code For Kitronik Products:


Teachers Lesson Plans:


Free E-Textiles Sample Packs:


E-Textiles Tutorials:


Using The Expansion Connector With Electronics:


Inventors Kit Experiments:


ZIP LED Add-On Pack For The Inventors Kit:


Noise Pack for Kitronik Inventor's Kit for the BBC micro:bit:


Robots/Buggies & Movement Guides:


Everything Is Better With Bluetooth:


Light It Up:


:GAME ZIP 64 Teaching Resources:


 LAB:bit Resources:


:MOVE mini Teaching Resources:


ZIP Halo for microbit Teaching Resources:


Kitronik :CITY Teaching Resources:


Writing microbit Games:


Custom Code:


Hacking Toys For microbit control:


Link Standard:


3D Printing:


Laser Cutting:


Kitronik :City From Bett 2019:


Seasonal microbit Projects:

Finally, make sure you don't miss out on any other new free learning resources by signing up for our newsletter here.


Mark Donnison

Mark Donnison

Hi Dave, it's not something we've looked into but if you use the following search term in google it should be the first result in the list, once there you can find information on iC2 at the bottom of the menu on the left. The search term: microbit micropython read the docs io ic2. I hope this helps.

Dave Simpson

Dave Simpson

An example of how to write and read from the i2C would be a great help. At the moment I can't seem to get the correct parameters/types set in micropython for and write. In the project i am experimenting with i am using a MCP23017 with a single LED attached to GPB1. the circuit works when connected to an Arduino. bus address is 0×27

Mark Donnison

Mark Donnison

Hi Nigel, The 25 LED's are split into 8 columns (1-9), there are 4 rows but the rows aren't broken out (to avoid the risk of shorts). Unfortunately, that means that you can't drive the LED matrix from the edge connector.

Nigel Kendrick

Nigel Kendrick

Can you elaborate on how the LEDs are connected to the microcontroller/edge connector as there's a 5×5 array of LEDs, but the relevant pins of the edge connector are designated Col1-3 and Col7-9. Thanks Nigel Kendrick (STEM Ambassador)

Rob Haywood

Rob Haywood

Hi Paul, The BBC micro:bit should appear in My Computer without the need for any driver. Kind regards Rob



How/where do I find the driver for the micro:bit so that I can drag and drop the coding onto them ? many thanks Paul

Andrew White

Andrew White

Hi Adam, You can register your school to receive BBC micro:bits for your Year 7 year group here: Hope this helps, Many thanks, Andrew



how do i make sure that my year 7s get this then?

Rob Haywood

Rob Haywood

Hi Ray, There is a legacy group which is working on the finer detail of the legacy which includes distribution. Distribution will begin sometime after the last of the year 7 students have received theirs. We are hopeful at this stage that we will be a distributor. Rob



Hi Do you sell the BBC micro bit computer? Regards Ray

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